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Why connects didn't refund when the job post is closed or expired? even the client did not hire anyone.

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There is an open ticket but I get no help and no answer.

Hi Joan,


Thank you for your message. Please note that the tickets are responded to in the same manner they are received in the queue. It may delay further in case your concern needs to be reviewed and investigated in detail by our dedicated teams. Usually, it may take up to 24-48 hours to get a response on your support tickets. As informed on your support ticket, your concern is forwarded to the technical team to assist you in a better way. One of our team members will reach out to you on the same ticket as soon as possible.


Thank you.


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I was hoping I could transfer my unused connects to my partner who is looking for work on the Platform. I received a notification that my connects will expire within a month and as I am not in need of them, since I recently started a new position, I feel it is only right in this world to pay it forward. And as we are both struggling financially due to the pandemic, to allow money to go to waste when he needs the connects to find work, seems unconscionable.


Please let me know! Thank you!

Connects aren't transferable.

Community Member

I'm confused at this one. Why is there no policy that connect will return if my application is declined? I have three declined this week costs 18 connects in total. It's absurd that I'm not getting those back.

Edgar Allan M wrote:

I'm confused at this one. Why is there no policy that connect will return if my application is declined? I have three declined this week costs 18 connects in total. It's absurd that I'm not getting those back.

When you send a letter and the recipient doesn't reply, do you get the stamps back? No, you don't.


Connects are a cost of doing business.

Hope you all are doing well...I need to know about the connects I had in my account. I have 20 connect in the month of June but now I only left with 1 connect. I didn't send any proposal to a client in this meantime. Please let me know if someone had faced such type of issue.

Hi Muhammad,


It looks like you spent your connects sending proposals to a few projects two months ago. YOU can check this under your Connects History. 


If you feel like you need more connects to send more proposals, feel free to purchase more. This can vary based on your location, but all Upwork users will be able to purchase Connects with a credit card or prepaid card. If you aren’t able to use a credit card or prepaid card or you don’t have an Upwork balance, in many cases you’ll be able to use PayPal. Check the options available to you and learn more about the acceptable billing methods for paying memberships.

~ Bojan
Community Member


My proposals for the jobs posted a month ago are still active, the Client neither canceled nor closed the job. I loose my connects and if I withdraw I will also never receive back my connects.

I have paid for the connects. Is this fair way to cooperate?


Best regards,


If you promote your business online, or pay for your internet, is it fair that these service providers charge money? 

Why is it unfair when upwork does it? Why should upwork be free? 

Thank you for your comment Martina.

I pay for the internet and I use it. I pay for the connects and waste them as sometimes (more often) the Clients do not cancel or close the jobs if they hired someone and the job is completed (or for other reasons).


Upwork is not free, it has  % income out of each contract. It should not be free, I agree, and it is not free.

Very Poor experince in terms of Connects. You guys are driving freelancers out in trying to earn extra money.

It may fill your coffers but not good for average freelancers like me. That's why I have switched to Fiverr.

What determines the Connects required? One job of $5-$10 required 6 Connects! What is this nonsense.

How these connects are calculated for the Jobs? Bring transparency than trying to loot freelancers.

You are seeing influx of Freelancers due to Covid and trying to benefite from that.

I recieve very minimal Invitation, most of the jobs takes 6 connects. even though I am a Top Rated.

I will request you to bring transparency to connects used for a Project. Do not try to scam us.

Community Member


I received +10 connects for the creation of my membership.
+40 connects for the Upwork readiness test.

But I have not received the +40 connects for registering as listed in the link.

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Community Manager

Hi Aaron,


I checked and it looks like you created your account a few years ago. Please note that this 40 Connects award was not in effect back then.


Community Member

I created that account as a client which doesn't use connects.

I registered as a Freelancer today which does use connects.

Are you saying I should have deleted my client account, then made a new account, instead of just registering as a freelancer?

Despite having passed the billing cycle date, why have I yet not received 10 free connects. It's been more than a day now

Hi Eman,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Your monthly free Connects are deposited every 14th of the month UTC. If you don't have it by June 15 UTC, please let us know so we can further assist you.

~ AJ
Community Member

I got refunded 6 connects for Connects Award and another 4 connects as Awarded Connects. How does that happen?

Hi Joy James S

That is because you submit a proposal before and now the client respond to your proposal (interview)



I read an Article about Connects Awards, but it doesn't say about earning Connects if a Client simply responds to a proposal.


  • You’ll receive free Connects (the number can vary) when you win an interview with an established client on Upwork. 
  • If you’ve been awarded Connects for winning an interview, you might notice some are issued as refunds. That’s because when you get the 10 Connects for winning an interview, some of those are the Connects you used to submit your proposal for the job. Those Connects are refunded and then we add the rest as awarded Connects. For example, if you used 6 Connects to submit a proposal and win an interview, you’ll see 6 Connects “refunded” and 4 “awarded.”
  • https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/211062898-Understanding-and-Using-Connects


Or is a client's response to a proposal already an equivalent to 'winning an interview'? 


But you are actually correct, I got the additional connects after I received a response for my submitted proposal. I just don't see any article to understand this Connects rule.

It happend because you submited a proposal and the client replied you back so the 6 connects you have spent to apply for the project got refunded and 4 extra connects also got added as a reward from upwork,


Community Member

I wonder if I can receive or send connects to friend ? If yes please let me know how.  Thanks




No such feature is available as of now.

Why upwork did not back my connects?

You don't get your connects back if jobs expire or if the client hires somebody else. 

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