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Why connects didn't refund when the job post is closed or expired? even the client did not hire anyone.

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573 REPLIES 573
Community Member

I already got 30 free connects of Rising Talent Achievement from your side yesterday but. today I got again free 30 connects from your side. what are these 60 free connects? please take your 30 connects again because I already got 30 free connects


Hi Syed,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I shared your report with our team and one of our agents will reach out to you using a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your support tickets here.

~ AJ
Community Member

can connects be shared?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Jamie, 


Connects cannot be shared at this time. If this changes, we'll make sure to share it with the Community. You can read more about Connects here. 

~ Avery
Community Member

Can I be able to receive Connects after responding an interview invitation?

No, you don't get connects in that case. 

Community Member


Hi Mariano,


Thank you for reaching out. To purchase additional Connects:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Memberships & Connects
  3. Click Add More Connects


Once you’ve selected the bundle you wish to purchase, click Add Connects and you will be prompted to add your payment method. 


Please let us know if you need further assistance!

~ AJ

Thank you. I appreciate your help!

Community Member

I finished learning paths for new to Upwork 101. Is there any connect as bonus? 


Whol can help to reply to me? Thanks in advance!

Hi Yoyo,


Thank you for reaching out to us. We don't give out Connects for completing Upwork 101. We do give out free Connects for the following:


  • You’ll receive 40 free Connects when you register for Upwork for the first time
  • You’ll receive 30 free Connects if you earn a Rising Talent badge
  • You’ll receive free Connects (the number can vary) when you win an interview with an established client on Upwork. (To prevent gaming, we aren’t sharing all the details of what we consider “established.” In general, it’s a client who has hired and spent on Upwork in the past.)
  • You’ll get a one-time Connects bonus if you complete an Upwork Skill Certification

You can check this article for more information.

~ AJ

Hi, Annie, thanks for your clarification.

Community Member


Hi Laura,


Thank you for your message. I see that the monthly Connects are already credited to your Upwork account. You can refer to the Connect History page for more information.


Thank you,


Community Member

Hi, Recently I downgraded from Membership plus to free plan. I received 10 connects rather than 80. What will be the solution?


Thanks In Advanced,


Hi Ahanaf,


Thank you for your message. The Freelancer Basic membership plan offers 10 Connects every month.


Thank you,


Community Member

How can I buy connects please, and are they always availables or no, thanks 

Hi Abderahim,


Thank you for reaching out to us. To purchase additional Connects:


  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Memberships & Connects
  3. Click Add More Connects


Once you’ve selected the bundle you wish to purchase, click Add Connects and your account will automatically be charged.


You may refer to this article to learn more about Connects.

~ AJ

Follow those steps. 


-Go to Settings
Select Memberships & Connects
Click Add More Connects

Community Member

How do we earn upwork connects?

Hi Helena,


Thank you for your message. You will receive 10 free Connects monthly on Freelancer Basic plan or 70 Connects on the Freelancer Plus plan. These are credited at the beginning of your billing cycle. We will send you an email and an Upwork notification once they are applied to your account. We'd like to help freelancers succeed on Upwork and one way is by occasionally rewarding free Connects. While we can’t share all the details of when Connects are given out, here’s what we can share:
  • You’ll receive 40 free Connects when you register for Upwork for the first time
  • You’ll receive 30 free Connects if you earn a Rising Talent badge
  • You’ll get a one-time Connects bonus if you complete an Upwork Skill Certification

Feel free to message us if you need further assistance.


Thank you,


Community Member

As a new upworker, i mistakenly have a duble deduction on 2 of my bids. there is any way to get it bake or unboost bids?

You can withdrawl your proposal on a particular project

i try it, but unfortunately, it's not give connects back.

Hi Mohamed,


Thank you for reaching out. Just to clarify, you don't get your Connects back if you withdraw your proposal. Could you please clarify what you meant by "double deduction" so we can check? 

~ AJ
Community Member

No monthly connects 

Community Member

There is no reason why they shouldn't, other than it's in Upwork's best interest financially. I get that a business needs to make money, but for the user — having our connects go "into the ether" like this has no benefit. 


1. Find job

2. Submit proposal (and connects)

3  Potential client is inactive for 30 days and/or hires someone else


This is a common scenerio and it make no sense why the connects shouldn't be returned — the freelancer should have the ability and freedom to apply to other jobs! In real life, you're not limited to how many phone calls you can make or emails you can send. But in the Upwork world, connects are somehow a form of currency that you must "spend" to contact a client.


I get it. Connects are bought and sold, so they have to be limited. I highly doubt this post will change the system. Just wanted to rant and spread the word that the current connects system doesn't make sense and it works against the user. A better version of Upwork would not use this system. It's not good for the people.

Returning connects would defeat the whole purpose of making people pay for them. The idea is to stop clients from being spammed with proposals from people who have little or no hope of getting the job but have nothing to lose by trying. If they were given back the connects that didn't result in their being hired, they could send as many hopeless proposals as they wished, knowing it would cost them nothing if they failed.  Thus they could waste clients' time and clog up their job pages, the very thing paying for connects is meant to prevent.

There should be a common middle ground. Perhaps allow the connects to be returned if the proposal is 15-30 days old. Otherwise connects are wasted due to a client's inactivity. Alternatively, the client could reject the proposal and return the connects to the freelancer. 


Also the freelancer cannot send as many proposals as they wished due to the limited availability of connects. They could only send as many proposals as they had connects. 

Community Member

No, Only when the job is canceled or the client does not hire anyone then Upwork returns the connect.

Community Member

i need upwork free connects!! somebody help me please!

Hi Mahim,


Thank you for reaching out. We like to help freelancers succeed on Upwork and one way is by occasionally rewarding free Connects. While we can’t share all the details of when Connects are given out (we don’t want dishonest people to “game” the system), here’s what we can share:


  • You’ll receive 40 free Connects when you register for Upwork for the first time
  • You’ll receive 30 free Connects if you earn a Rising Talent badge
  • You’ll receive free Connects (the number can vary) when you win an interview with an established client on Upwork. (To prevent gaming, we aren’t sharing all the details of what we consider “established.” In general, it’s a client who has hired and spent on Upwork in the past.)
  • You’ll get a one-time Connects bonus if you complete an Upwork Skill Certification

Please check this article for more information about Connects.

~ AJ
Community Member

wondering if connects would return if proposal success or fail? Tks

Hi Lei,


Thank you for your message. If a client doesn’t hire anyone and closes their job post, any Connects used to submit a proposal will be returned to you. However, if they do not close the job or hire you or another freelancer/agency, no Connects are returned. 


Thank you,



Many thanks Pradeep!

Community Member

There you go, a solution for jobs that goes no where

There should be a limit  of time for the hiring process.( Any time, the client can select that limit) After that if no one is hired connects go back to Applicants.

Community Member

well noted. Tks!

Community Member


could you please help me?
I have a problem regarding the connects, I don't understand exactly how this system works now.
My current plan is freelancer basic, so that means that I receive 10 connects each month.
My current billing cycle is:
Oct 16, 2022 — Nov 15, 2022
Today is November 16 th, but I don't have any connects available.
Could you please explain me how does it work?
Thank you in advance. 

Best regards,


Hello Ana,


Thank you for reaching out. I checked your account and it looks like the Connects were added already. Please know that it may be credited at any time within 24 hours of your billing date.

~ AJ
Community Member

Why I haven't received monthly connects for my free membership?

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