» Forums » Freelancers » Re: Contract suspended by Upwork, refund proc...
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Marlene's avatar
Marlene M Community Member


Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

re: "Now, I'm getting frustrated because I'm getting different answers from support."


Don't ask Customer Support about this.

Problem solved.


You can post your questions right here.

Julie's avatar
Julie J Community Member

I'm confused.  How were any hours logged if the contract wasn't active?  Did you accept an offer for this job?

Marlene's avatar
Marlene M Community Member


Julie's avatar
Julie J Community Member

I see.  Someone will be along that  knows more than me but I don't think the client can leave any feedback since they are suspended so it won't affect your JSS that way, I'm not sure that refunds affect the JSS at all?

Phyllis's avatar
Phyllis G Community Member

Preston is right--sadly, you can't rely on CS agents to advise/inform you accurately about stuff like this. Come to the forum (and if you get conflicting or contradictory answers, listen to Petra).


I'm pretty sure if a client is kicked to the curb for cc fraud then their fb is removed from your JSS calculation.


It sounds like you either (a) logged your hours manually or (b) didn't comply with all the particulars of automatically tracked hours, otherwise UW would've absorbed the loss. If it was (b), go study the criteria for payment protection and avoid getting cheated again. If it was (a), be very careful with manual hours. I never use the tracker but (1) I have decades of freelancing experience which has honed my spidey sense about clients, and (2) I always limit my exposure on a new contract until the client and I get comfortable with each other. 


Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi Marlene,


I can see that you already have an open ticket regarding this issue. One of our agents will update your ticket and assist you further. 


~ Joanne
Marlene's avatar
Marlene M Community Member


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