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Ehm... Email from Upwork re: account suspension. Again?

"Because our records indicate you are still located within the region, we wanted to remind you that your account is affected by these actions and you have until May 1, 2022 to complete billing on any open contracts."

I have not been to any of those regions for AT LEAST 12 years.

After May 1, 2022, Upwork will be suspending your account which will cancel all of your open contracts. We encourage you to withdraw funds as soon as possible as we cannot guarantee continued availability of our payment partners in the region. You can do so by following these steps:
Note that if you have relocated outside of these regions, we want to ensure we get you back up and running quickly. Simply send an email to our dedicated team at support-appeals@upwork.com for a review of your account. Please note that this change in Upwork policy also applies to those physically located within the affected regions, even if their permanent address is elsewhere.
Oh c'mon... You have verified my residency at least 4 times in last 12 years, and the most recent one was just few weeks ago when you emailed me the similar letter and limited my account for no reason.
Why are we having the same convo again? Please clarify


Community Member

Hi Vlad and others,


We appreciate the reports and sincerely apologize for the confusion and concern this has caused.
Rest assured that your account is all set and not impacted by these upcoming changes. If you have any additional questions, you may reach our team by emailing  and we'll gladly take care of this for you.
Again, we're sorry for the inconvenience and we've forwarded on your feedback.

~ Valeria

View solution in original post

Community Member

I'm sorry, Vlad. That's just unacceptable. Sorry you are dealing with this. I can only imagine what it does to business and income to have this keep coming up. 

Community Member

I am Turkish citizen, living in Turkey. Even not visited sanctioned areas in my life.

My account suspended 35 days ago and they quickly verified my address and problem solved in 24 hours.

And, now, i received same email.


I want to believe that this is just a mistake.

Well. I guess they have just used the same  query/filter to fetch users to notify, absolutely ignoring the resolution status. I just hoped they understood they have to change it after getting so many "false positives" during the first round (after which many of us had to re-verify address yet again)... 
I'd say it's just quite unprofessional to do the same mistake for the 2nd time

Looks like problem solved.


I just received an email that your records indicate that I am still located in Russia.
This is a mistake. I have already changed my address to where I am living in Slovakia.
I already sent verification documents: bank statement, proof of living and ID card.
Also several days ago I received an email that confirmed this information.
My IP address from which I am logging to Upwork also confirms that.
Please take a look at this and fix this error.

Thank you in advance.

I have just received an email from Upwork.


On March 7, 2022, Upwork announced our intention to suspend business in Russia and Belarus, effective May 1, 2022. Because our records indicate you are still located within the region, we wanted to remind you that your account is affected by these actions and you have until May 1, 2022 to complete billing on any open contracts.


After the Russian attack on Ukraine, I moved to another country, and I changed the address in my profile to a new one. I contacted Upwork support, clarified what should I do - and followed all their instructions. I thought the issue was closed. But later I noticed that I can't respond to projects - my account was restricted, despite the change of address. I contacted support for the second time. There I was again asked to go through the whole procedure from the beggining. I passed it. At the end of the procedure, by the way, I received an email with the following content:

Your request (#34327179) has been updated. You may reply directly to this email or by opening the link below: https://support.upwork.com/hc/requests/********

When I followed the link, I saw a page with the text

Oh! It looks like that page has moved.

Well done! No wonder I pay you 20% of each order.

However, shortly after that, my account began to function as before - I can again respond to projects and enter into new contracts.

But today I received a new email from Upwork, saying that my account will be restricted/affected.


How many times do I have to contact support before they finally do their job properly?

Why don't you work? 20% of each contract is not enough for you?

Or why are you doing so badly?

Hi. I have a quick question.

I received an e-mail that I have an active contract with someone in Belarus or Russia. Unfortunately, I am unable to locate such an agreement. Is there any option for a quick search for such a contract? So far I only get general emails, nothing specific.


I'm utterly disappointed by receiving this email the second time after I have already got myself verified from the support center. 
Because our records indicate you are still located within the region, we wanted to remind you that your account is affected by these actions and you have until May 1, 2022 to complete billing on any open contracts
You guys really need to work on your system. I need an answer on this. 

Hello, dear Upwork Support Team. 

Why did I get this message? 
See the screenshot. 
I'm Located in Zambia. 
I'm already confirmed it by documents. 
Please let me know.
With love Svetlana 😘
Community Member

Same here. Upwork, please fix this...

Community Member

Just got the same email second time, after verification... Anybody from Upwork here??? WHAT IS GOING ON? We are paying you commissions, but you still can't fix your numerous bugs and hire REAL COMPETENT SUPPORT??? Hello?

Community Member

Also got the same email after "successful" verification. Just another case for statistics.

Community Member

Have verified my new location on March 29 and now get this mail again....

Community Member

Have the same issue. Several days ago I confirmed my living address outside Russia, received an email that everything is ok, new address verified, etc. and a couple of minutes ago got an email as mentioned here.

Community Member

Same here

I relocated and changed location & payment method in 2021, then passed the corresponding verification on March 14, 2022. Got the email about an hour ago, very frustrating

I keep getting the warning that one or more of my clients are located in Russia or Belarus. Turns out they are not! Their locations are in neither of these countries!

What's up with Upwork spamming me with these passive-aggressive emails?? 

I'm a freelancer and don't belong to Russia/Belarus as well, yet I've been spammed with suspension e-mails to the point of worrying now lol. Just received a final suspension e-mail.  ... it looks to me like some accounts have been flagged by mistake. Really hope they do give a final check before suspending the flagged accounts because that just means losing time trying to get the account running again.

Community Member

The same e-mail... I am relocated and verified a month ago... its very sad to hear from UpWork things like this. I hope they will fix this bug.

wordpress / woocommerce / shopify etc. look at my profile!
Community Member

Same here. 10 days ago passed verification, support request number was #34580000 . But received such email anyway. Logged into UTA to send some packets from my new location, just in case they think I'm still in one of affected regions because I didn't launch UTA since I moved. It's a shame if they rely only on last incoming packets from tracker though.

Community Member

Hi Vlad and others,


We appreciate the reports and sincerely apologize for the confusion and concern this has caused.
Rest assured that your account is all set and not impacted by these upcoming changes. If you have any additional questions, you may reach our team by emailing  and we'll gladly take care of this for you.
Again, we're sorry for the inconvenience and we've forwarded on your feedback.

~ Valeria

Should I contact your team once again? For the third time? Will it be the last time? Or how many emails should I send (how much time should I spend on uploading my documents again and again)?

Everyone in this thread has already contacted "your team" several times. It is your fault that we still have problems with our profiles. Why won't "your team" contact each of us individually? Let me just remind you, that this is us who pay you for your work.

Hi Siarhei,


I checked and can confirm that your account is all set and not impacted by these upcoming changes.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused by this.

~ Valeria

Saga continues.... Now my customers telling me that they have received emails from Upwork re: my account is going to be suspended and asking them to replace me with "new talent".

Guys, seriously, this is simply unprofessional 




Hi Vladislav,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I have escalated your concern and one of our team members will reach out to you directly via a support ticket with your previous ticket as a reference. You can access your tickets on this page.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Technology is great and all, but we need less AI and algorithms and more real people with a human touch. There should be a dedicated person or team dealing with your issue so that it can be properly managed and solved. I hope you can get things sorted out soon. 

Community Member

Hi! I have the same situation, after my profile was  already approved...

Community Member

Hello! I recieved an email from Upwork, which says, that my account will be suspended after May 1, 2022, because your records indicated that I'm still located in Russia.


"Hi Ivan,
On March 7, 2022, Upwork announced our intention to suspend business in Russia and Belarus, effective May 1, 2022.

Because our records indicate you are still located within the region, we wanted to remind you that your account is affected by these actions and you have until May 1, 2022 to complete billing on any open contracts.

We made this decision with the utmost consideration, and you can read a letter from our CEO about this policy here. We understand the significant impact this decision has on our Upwork community in Russia and Belarus, and we want you to know that if and when you are able to relocate to regions where we operate, or this policy changes, we will be eager to support you in continuing your work on our platform.

After May 1, 2022, Upwork will be suspending your account which will cancel all of your open contracts. We encourage you to withdraw funds as soon as possible as we cannot guarantee continued availability of our payment partners in the region. You can do so by following these steps..."


It's very weird, becuase I already sent all my documents, which confirm, that I've been living in Austria for the last 6 months. I've sent three emails due this situation to support team already, but still haven't got any replt. And I'm not quite understand, what should I do now, if I have to confirm my adress again, please let me know, I will resend all documents, which are required. 




Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Ivan,


I've merged your post to a thread where other Community members have been discussing this email. Please refer to Valeria's post here for more information.


Community Member

Over the past month, I've been receiving e-mails from Upwork regarding the upcoming suspension because "Our records show that you are located within these regions and have one or more open contracts in progress. Please complete all work, submit your invoices, and close the contract on or before May 1, 2022." 

I contacted the live chat support to let them know I don't belong to Russia/Belarus and was ensured that the emails are probably sent out to me by mistake. But it didn't stop and I received a final e-mail again less than an hour ago, which asks me to sort things out quickly since it's the last business day before my account gets suspended.

Since I don't belong to any of these regions, it looks like I'm flagged in Upwork's records for some unknown reason. I've never even been to Russia 😂  on second thought, I've been testing and reviewing VPNs for a few months as part of an Upwork job, could it be the reason why I'm flagged? Although I don't think I ever connected to any Russian servers.

I understand that even if I do get suspended by mistake, it will in all likelihood get reversed. But I really cannot afford to lose time trying to get my account running again because I have some important ongoing contracts. I urge any moderator to check why I'm receiving these emails and sort it out. It will really save me a lot of time! 😫

Community Member


One of Upwork's finest just told me I should tell my clients to get in touch with support and sort out their locations with them. 


Is upwork actually offering me a job as their liaison officer?! 


BTW my client's profiles CLEARLY state their locations and none are Russia or Belarus. 



Hi Ricardo,


I am sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. I shared your concern with the team handling your case and one of our agents will follow up with you on your ticket as soon as possible to assist you further.

~ AJ

Thank you, Annie. I don't require assistance. But apparently some of my clients whose profiles indicate other locations than Russia or Belarus may appreciate your help in sorting out what's going on. 

Community Member

Good, you can touch with your Clients with their active Contract. You can touch with our support team for location change.


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