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Equity as a bonus

I have a client wanting to offer me equity in their company, as well as pay hourly. Is that okay? (The hourly paid through UpWork).

Community Member

No payment/transaction outside Upwork, so not OK.

. Stinks, but it is what it is.

Community Member

No type of compensation of any kind outside of Upwork - including 'equity', 'paid' vacation, retirement contributions or 'matching', etc.  Also, if I were you, I'd steer clear of that client because them even offering payment outside of Upwork could result in that client's account suddenly being 'suspended'/terminated and the job suddenly being taken down.

Yea, one gig isn't worth it to me. Just curious.

Community Member

Any profit payouts would also have to be paid through Upwork, until two years from when you first connected with the client here.

Community Member

Yeah, but for most wanna-be-google companies, the equity shares are less worth than toilet paper.  So I guess it would be ok in my opinion (it is just my opinion - may not be worth more than the equity shares)

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