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Feedback About Upwork and Finding Work

I am not finding Upwork as useful anymore and I am rather frustrated beyond belief. It used to be great but continued changes have proven to make it not as relevant and have only created a massive and overly stressful headache for me.

In the last month I have literally burned through 200+ connects searching for more work to keep my life flowing to support my family. I am now down to one client that I am focused on finishing up a project for hoping for pretty much a hailmary. I just don't understand how some people are massively successful somehow out of the blue and others are not such as myself. I feel like the sidekick in a cartoon that an anvil always falls on. That has been my luck my entire life.

I thought maybe I am the problem so I changed my lifestyle, cut out costs, tried to search for other positions, including going elsewhere Indeed, LinkedIn, yada yada and same issue all over again.

I don't expect anything for free, never have, I know it takes a lot of hard work  and I do that constantly unless I feel I have been treated unfairly then I have a big problem with it. But to be honest and blunt I sincerely don't think the connects on the free plan are cutting it anymore either. Covid has hit hard and the amount of remote workers has pretty much been an ongoing onslaught as I have noticed it is now much harder with a lot more competition compared to when I started here.

I would love to upgrade to get more connects to keep going but right now it is not in my budget whatsoever and that is aggrevating even more because its a huge disruption as I have already tapped a lot into what I was trying to save which is now no longer saved. I am trying to afford things I need to put food on the table for my family and it's like greed is just everywhere these days and yet people wonder why crime, homelessness, and suicide is such a problem, there's your answer right there.

Even worse, something that really irritates the heck out of me, Clients complain that nobody wants to work but yet many are obsurdly picky on who to hire if at all or let you go through hours of wasting time for an interview that you'll probably never get, and on top of that pause contracts constantly or blame us for things beyond our control.

We're not machines. I have watched so many self-help, business, and success related Youtube videos and courses its not even funny and none of that has been as helpful as claimed. I know I can't be the only one having this issue. I always wear my heart on my sleeve and try to help everyone I can but its a god-forsaken burnout and yet nothing changes, inflation hits, and things only continue to get harder and worse.

Okay I am done ranting, hopefully I don't get banned, but I just really needed to get some frustrations off my chest because this has really been beginning to take a mental toll on me and I am annoyed with being people's doormat all the time. Feel free to comment, critize, chew me out, or report if you want I guess. This is a big problem I think everyone has even if not admited..

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I know it's probably not what you wanna hear right now, but hang tight. Try to stay positive you're clearly good at what you do. Something will come.

Community Member

Thanks, actually that does help. I appreciate it.

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No problem, man. I know how it is sometimes we're all human.

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You gotta take the hits and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done... - Rocky Balboa

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Hi, I want to convey my best wishes and prayers for your success. Don't
worry things will get better with time.
Community Member

I am sorry to hear that I am very frustrated, too. I used to have a lot of job opportunities. Invitations and applying but not anymore and I don't know what should I do. I hope we can have good opportuinities soon. Right know, I feel very frustrated. 

Community Member

You will not be banned. I write worse here but not banned yet. Probably the forum is considered useless and not censored. 🙂

The problem isn't you. There really is no more work here. I used to look at 2-5 jobs per hour before and choose what I can do. Now I see one work according to my knowledge every 2-3 days. The crisis and covid do not affect my line of work. On the contrary I should have more work when everyone is working from home. I see the explanation is clients have left this site. It's not that I'm being hired or not being hired, it's just that there are no jobs at all.


Community Member

Hello Kade,

I do understand your frustration. However, we have to have faith. Upwork is a good company, we will get good job opportunities. I wish, best for you.


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