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Jacob's avatar
Jacob S Community Member

Financial transactions have been limited - Dispute closed.

Hi, My Financial transactions have been limited. The recent dispute is already closed. Client already ended the contract. How can this limitation be removed? Thanks! Jacob

Avery's avatar
Avery O Community Manager

Hi Jacob, 

I hope that this dispute was resolved amicably with your client. I will go ahead and ask the team to review your account, and the case so that the hold on your financial transactions can be lifted. 

~ Avery
Jacob's avatar
Jacob S Community Member

Thank you.


Yes, I did offer some refund but they just closed the contract.

I am likely to expect negative feedback though.

Jacob's avatar
Jacob S Community Member

Hey Avery,


The team responded to the thread and said we have to wait for the client's message.


But I don't think the client would care to respond as they want me to suffer badly from their issue and mistake. They already have closed the contract, so why would it matter for them to respond? They would then destroy my work reputation, and probably more such accussations that I would need to suffer clearly from their company's incompetence by giving negative feedback.


Since they ended the contract, shouldn't the issue be solved as well?


I already sent a initial refund for last work week. I also sent a message about the refund I can offer for the last work month or the 30 working days from the dispute period and they have no response, so it probably means they don't care anymore.


So why would we wait for the client's response? And why would the limitation removal depend on their response? Even if I send them a ton of messages, they would not mind at all and probably won't respond to keep my account on hold. So if we wait like forever, then the limitation would not be lifted at all.


Maybe the UpWork team should send a message to the client or on the thread to notify them of non-response would clear all things out.


I have another client that I need to work with, and I told them I am waiting for the limitation to be removed to be sure I get paid for the work and their money won't be wasted.


I would really appreciate getting this solved quickly as I would need to get my funds I would need this Christmas season.



Avery's avatar
Avery O Community Manager

Hi Jacob, 


I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. I will not be able to discuss this further here as this is a public community. However, it would be best to follow up on the same ticket thread so that the team handling your case can get back to you and assist you further. 

~ Avery
Jacob's avatar
Jacob S Community Member

Thank you for your response.


I will follow-up with them.


What are the UpWork policies for dispute or mediation? It seems absurd why I would get limited and happened sometime after client and mediation team started private messaging. Though I don't want to judge anybody.



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