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Get paid doesn't work

The get paid web page keeps loading forever and doesn't show anything, does anybody else have this issue?

Community Member

same here, upwork is busy collecting money from connects

Works just fine with me. Try looging out and clear your cache and cookies on your computer. Then login again and try it.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Ahmed and Amr,


I wasn't able to replicate the issue you're describing. May you please clear your cache and cookies or log in with another browser to check if you`re still experiencing the same issue.


Let us know if the issue persists.


Thank you.

~ Bojan

Hi Bojan, I tried that and the issue is still there, I actually tried it from another broweser and from my phone

same here, takes forever to load, then just a blank page

A quick update, got it to work using by using a VPN.

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