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Got my first job. Did I get paid?

Dear upworkers,


I was hired for the first time today. Delivered the task. Client ended contract & gave me a review.


But my balance is showing in "Work in progress" tab. Client has asked me to manually add time on my hourly job, so he can close the job.


I want to know if my the payment showing in "work in progress" will be added to my "Available" balance.


Read some articles, but didn't get a clearer answer.


Would appreciate if someone clears my doubts.


The client doesn't need to approve, it is an automated process. 


However it is - even on hourly contracts - possible for clients to have an issue with the hours submitted.  If time is added using the tracker and they fall under hourly protection, there is nothing to dispute, if time is added manually, it is possible and then they will move to dispute resolution (usually that means a refund to the client).




In any case you will know by Wednesday whether this was a legit job or not.

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I believe if it's an hourly contract it will take a week to review and then they will be added to your available balance!

Hello Mariam,


It was an hourly contract. Right now the balance is showing under "Work in progress". Do I need to do anything else or my money is secure. Sorry for the noob question.

No, your money is not secure, at all. Adding manual time means you no longer fall under hourly protection (at least for those hours and likely for all). It sounds dubious of the client specifically asking you to add manual hours when the work was already completed and the time was already logged, there was no reason to add extra hours at that point.


If the client wanted to pay you for extra hours he could have done so through a bonus payment.


Having said that, it is normal that it shows under work in progress, since the work week ends at midnight UTC on Sunday night.  It will then move into In review and if the client doesn't dispute the hours (which I have a feeling might happen due to the manual hours) then they will move to Pending on Wednesday and you will get paid the following Wednesday (Friday if you are top rated plus).


So, I'm honestly worried that you might have been duped, be the request to add manual hours for no reason.  You are not required by any means to complete all the hours on an hourly contract (they are the maximum, not the minimum).  Fingers crossed that this is an honest client that thinks it was worth the total number of hours.

Where did you get the idea that the time was already logged?

Interpretation of the original post. He says job done, then that client asked to add manual time to close the job. So it is unclear to me whether the time was logged and manual time was added or it was all manual, in any case that removes hourly protection.  And a client saying, please add manual time so I can close the job? (again assuming that time was actually tracked).  I don't see a reason to not track time on an hourly job, especially a short one, why would there be a need to add manual hours?

Hello Iwan,


Thank you very much for detailed response. That clears things & hope he is legit. Right now, the money is "In Review" tab. Client told me he has already closed the job & gave me a review. So, according to him, I have received my money.


The articles doesn't say, if client can "Approve" the task in review for the money to be  moved into "Pending" tab where I actually receive my payment. Can you please shade any light on this?


So, I can ask my client what he should do from his side? Also, just in case this is a scam, do you have any suggestion for me on what steps should I take?

Eusha H wrote:

So, I can ask my client what he should do from his side? Also, just in case this is a scam, do you have any suggestion for me on what steps should I take?

Stop bothering your client; it's not their job to explain what you should do, it's your responsibility to learn how to use Upwork yourself. Is there some reason why you're not reading the links that Sophie has now given you twice? (And you obviously didn't read them, since they don't only apply to translation jobs.)


No, the client doesn't need to approve anything - they're charged automatically. So, just be patient and wait. If there's any problem, Upwork will notify you.

Hi Christine, I have read this multiple times. Those articles doesn't answer the questions I've asked. Also, I am not bothering my client. 


The other thread, is 13 pages long. So, it will take time to read. And thank you for clarifying.


Edit: It wasn't a translation job.

Eusha H wrote:

Hi Christine, I have read this multiple times. Those articles doesn't answer the questions I've asked. Also, I am not bothering my client. 


The other thread, is 13 pages long. So, it will take time to read. And thank you for clarifying.


Edit: It wasn't a translation job.

Yes, I know that it wasn't a translation job. You told Sophie that her link didn't apply to you because you didn't do a translation job, whereas the link that she gave you applies to all jobs. So again, read this link. It does answer your questions.

The client doesn't need to approve, it is an automated process. 


However it is - even on hourly contracts - possible for clients to have an issue with the hours submitted.  If time is added using the tracker and they fall under hourly protection, there is nothing to dispute, if time is added manually, it is possible and then they will move to dispute resolution (usually that means a refund to the client).




In any case you will know by Wednesday whether this was a legit job or not.

Thank you again. Seems like your suspicion might be correct. Upwork is showing warning message in All contacts page about investigating client's account.


Don't know if I should hope for the best. Have to wait till Wednesday.

Your schedule for hourly contract is not quite accurate

Get Paid for Hourly Contracts – Upwork Customer Service & Support | Upwork Help



As a new freelancer, here is a post that regroup a lot of important informations : read the main article at the top and click on all the links. Solved: Re: To all freelancers looking for help - Page 13 - Upwork Community


Here is the schedule for hourly payments Get Paid for Hourly Contracts – Upwork Customer Service & Support | Upwork Help

Thank you. It wasn't a translation job but I'll go through the entire thread once I have solved the current issue.

I mentioned to read the main article at the top of the page and click on the links. The information is in the main article. Not in the comments.

Finished the red flag from Wes. Have been avoiding several of those red flags & learned about some new one. Appreciate you pointing it out again. Will go through the rest.

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