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Guide for Beginners

Hi All,


I am new to this platform. I see a few misleading jobs, such as data extraction and copy typing (PDF to Word). The majority of these are scams if you miss the signs.


Look below:

  • In the details they will mention Telegram User ID, which is against the policy. 
  • You will find an email id or any contact information.
  • Sometimes they attach documents and clearly mention how to connect with them.
  • As a freelancer, you should never deposit funds or pay some to get projects.
  • For just typing if someone is paying too high.

Additional points :

  • Please make sure whenever you accept any projects try to capture proof and evidence to pur your case if any dispute arises after completion.
  • If you are not sure about the client's expectations, ask questions because it will be visible in the message section.
  • Always check if the payment method is verified or not. If it is verified, it's a good indication you can proceed with the project.
  • Sometimes, a project does not include all the information and tasks. In such a situation, you should understand the client's side also, because sometimes they don't have a correct idea about your offering or their exact expectations. In such cases, before you accept a project, provide a detailed explanation of the service. Transparency is the key to freelancing. 
  • I believe in honesty. If I am not sure about the project, I ask questions in my cover letter. If you follow this, the client will understand you are genuinely interested in this project and want to help her/him.
  • To safeguard freelancers, this platform has provided tools through which we can report these and reduce such scams on the platform. People who are new to freelancing may get trapped. I didn't want that, so I added images for reference and how to report such projects.
  • We are all smart. If you find or consider any project fishy or suspicious, report it. 
  • If you are working outside of this platform, then it will be your responsibility because, whatever happens within the platform, you can reach out to Upwork customer services. 
  • We do have a great community where you can read and help someone. Please share this with others.

Best of luck to all the freelancers for future endeavors.

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