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michael's avatar
michael s Community Member

How do I resign from Upwork?

This platform has gone from a place where I can very rarely find decent, interesting, well-paid work to a Fiverr experience where "race to the bottom" is a generous description. Quite frankly, the kind of client who is interested in me doesn't come here anymore. They've been disappointed in everything from the UX to the customer service to the crap they have to do to find people who can actually do the job as described on time and with each partner coming away genuinely satisfied with the experience. Over the years I have experienced a precipitous drop in CS experience. I had a credit card expire and that was a major crisis where I had to prove my identity all over again. Seriously? So, while I think it is wonderful to give anyone the chance to get out there and prove themselves in whatever role or country, this particular platform no longer works for me. It sadly promotes the "good enough" ethic vs. the "best practices" standard which exists in every area of work. So, tell me, how do I get out of this place? Another red flag, by the way. 

Prashant's avatar
Prashant P Community Member

Disconnect your banking info., and stop applying.  You have resigned or if you prefer you can submit your resignation letter to Hayden Brown  - Upwork CEO

Mark's avatar
Mark K Community Member

You just did.  Good luck - genuinely.  🙂

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

Set your profile to private and remove payment info. Is enough. Maybe you will return later.

But you can request full profile removal if you want.

Ramesh Kumar's avatar
Ramesh Kumar K Community Member

Lisa's avatar
Lisa J Community Member


a) you are not an Upwork employee so you do not need to resign

b) you simply need to close your account. Done.

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