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Tammy's avatar
Tammy A Community Member

How to tell when my proposal been read

Hello everyone, 


Is there a way to tell if and when my proposal has been read? Searching the boards here and I can't seem to find anything. Thanks! 



Abinadab's avatar
Abinadab A Community Member

Tammy A wrote:

Hello everyone, 


Is there a way to tell if and when my proposal has been read? Searching the boards here and I can't seem to find anything. Thanks! 



You can't tell if a client read a particular proposal of yours. But you can tell how well you get clients in general to read your proposals in comparison with other freelancers. You can find this on your My Stat's page.

View solution in original post

Christine's avatar
Christine A Community Member

No, there is no way to tell. If the client wants to contact you or hire you, they'll let you know.
Sergio's avatar
Sergio S Community Member

No way to know.


I suggest for your own peace of mind that once you send a proposal you forget about it and move on. Don't keep chewing on.

Iqbal's avatar
Iqbal M Community Member

Hay there

Your answer was a very cool one. I practiced it time and again.

Abubeker's avatar
Abubeker Y Community Member

tha means their is no option to check the proposal status

Suzanne's avatar
Suzanne W Community Member

This is very helpful. 😍

Abinadab's avatar
Abinadab A Community Member

Tammy A wrote:

Hello everyone, 


Is there a way to tell if and when my proposal has been read? Searching the boards here and I can't seem to find anything. Thanks! 



You can't tell if a client read a particular proposal of yours. But you can tell how well you get clients in general to read your proposals in comparison with other freelancers. You can find this on your My Stat's page.

Tammy's avatar
Tammy A Community Member

Thank you.

Tiffany's avatar
Tiffany S Community Member

Abinadab A wrote:


You can't tell if a client read a particular proposal of yours. But you can tell how well you get clients in general to read your proposals in comparison with other freelancers. You can find this on your My Stat's page.

There is no stat that tells how often your proposals are read in comparison to other freelancers. The marketing effectiveness stats are how often your profile was viewed (from any source), how often you were interviewed, and how often you were hired compared with other freelancers.

Abinadab's avatar
Abinadab A Community Member

Tiffany S wrote:

There is no stat that tells how often your proposals are read in comparison to other freelancers.

There is.



When a freelancer submits a proposal to a job posting, their profile gets forwarded along with their cover letter to the client. The above stat shows how often the FL gets seen for projects they applied to, in comparison with other FLs in their niche.




This second stat, albeit being bug-ridden of recent, shows how many times the freelancer got discovered in search. This stat never included the first. The first one never rose and fell like the second. The first never included the second. They are two different stats.

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Abinadab A wrote:

There is.



When a freelancer submits a proposal to a job posting, their profile gets forwarded along with their cover letter to the client. The above stat shows how often the FL gets seen for projects they applied to, in comparison with other FLs in their niche.





**Edited for Community Guidelines**

That graph absolutely excludes ANY views that result from proposals you made. It ONLY includes results from searches.




Valeria's avatar
Valeria K Community Member

Hi Tammy and others,


There isn't a feature or metric that shows the freelancer if their proposal was seen or read by the client. I would also like to confirm that "views" stats on My Stats page are based on how often the freelancer's profile is discovered in search.


Please, note that some posts have been edited or removed from this thread for Community Guidelines.

~ Valeria
Nwafor's avatar
Nwafor S Community Member

As a beginner, which freelance can i easily get hired for
Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

re: "As a beginner, which freelance can i easily get hired for"



That is not how this works.

Christine's avatar
Christine A Community Member

Nwafor S wrote:
As a beginner, which freelance can i easily get hired for

There isn't any way to easily get hired; even people with lots of experience often struggle when they first join Upwork. And if you want to charge $40/hour for data entry, then you're going to have even more of a struggle than most people. Try $3/hour instead.

Rolando's avatar
Rolando N Community Member

Upwork sucks at how they feature things, there is very litle ... at the point that makes you think if it really worth it

Minahil's avatar
Minahil A Community Member

Hiya! But, in 'my stats' there is an option to look for our proposal views! 

Abinadab's avatar
Abinadab A Community Member

Be advised this is an old thread.

Recent changes to My Stats mean you can now know if a proposal of yours was read.


However, this is only possible if you're submitting an extremely small number of proposals (like 1 per week).


Other than in this narrow set of circumstances, it is still not possible to know if a particular proposal's been read.

Do you really need to?


The aggregate and the graph should suffice in your bid to gain insight into your marketing effectiveness.



Mariam's avatar
Mariam L Community Member

Although I would really like upwork to add that feature so we could know what went wrong and how can we fix it in the long term proposals!

Tahmeeda's avatar
Tahmeeda W Community Member



The steps that are mentioned in the previous reply (the one I sent) - that particular feature is already there! 

Tahmeeda's avatar
Tahmeeda W Community Member



It's a very much delayed response (sorry for that) - but there's a way you can view if a client saw your proposal or not! 


1) Under "find work" go to the "my stats" section.

2) Scroll down and you'll see a "analytics" section.

3) There you'll see "profile views" (graph) and there's a drop down menu. 

4) Once you click on the drop down menu; you'll see "proposals".

5) Click on it and you'll be able to see the proposals that are sent, viewed, and the ones you are hired on (numbers on the side) with the time mentioned. 


Everytime you send a proposal the time changes and if the proposal gets viewed by a client it will be updated again - if you do keep a track of time you'll get to know if a client has viewed your proposal or not. 


Hope this is helpful! 

Abinadab's avatar
Abinadab A Community Member

The overarching approach you've shared is correct. You can know if and when A proposal's been read if you always keep an eye on My Stats.


But you cannnot know which particular proposal was read unless you submit an extremely small no. of proposals, like one per week.


William T's avatar
William T C Community Member

Hey Tahmeeda, I have used this feature often to see how effective my proposals are. However, the individual proposal information isn't visible to know if viewed; it's just totals - right, or? Thanks!

Tahmeeda's avatar
Tahmeeda W Community Member



No you can't tell if an individual proposal has been read or not - if you sent one or two proposals then it's easy to keep a track. 


If you have sent quite many proposals a day, you'll also have to keep track on the job post too - last time when a client interacted with a freelancer (there's a time given there too). So if you do keep a track of the job post and the time when your proposal was viewed - you'll easily understand if an individual proposal has been viewed or not.


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