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Hamza's avatar
Hamza A Community Member

I am losing my top rated weeks


I have complained Upwork about my JSS that there is some glitch. My JSS is different on my profile and different in my stats. Also It dropped last from 88% to 83%(on my profile) 82%(on my stats). I have complained Upwork  that I recieved two feedbacks one 4 star with full private feedback and one 5 star with full 10/10 private feedback. I was so excited last week that it might be rising but it dropped. I already launched tickets last week for this. Still my issue isn't resolved the last update was 3 days ago. I am still waiting for response but nothing. 

Please solve it as my top rated weeks dropped to 3.

Melanie's avatar
Melanie H Community Member

Hamza, your June 12 review had some issues. So that's probably why your JSS went down.


I don't know about the discrepancy. I have had my Stats show differently from my Profile, but only on the day JSS was updating. Then it straightened out. Hopefully a mod will be along to help.

Hamza's avatar
Hamza A Community Member

Hi Melanie,

Thanks for helping out maybe it could be an issue or maybe they haven't counted my 2nd feedback in JSS calculation. Yes I am waiting for help. 


Jonathan's avatar
Jonathan H Community Member

How can you be sure that the 2 new reviews have full private feedback? The very nature of it is that you don't know. The fact one of the reviews you mention suggests it wouldn't be full private.


Remember jss operates in certain windows of time, if you had a particulary good job that was propping up your score drop out of the time frame then that could cause it to drop

Hamza's avatar
Hamza A Community Member

Hi Jonathan,

I am sure because Clients who would recommend me is still 100% as I have checked on giving less than 10 private feedback this percentage goes down although mine is 100%, while yes time frame could be an issue because one feedback I had was earlier after the 2nd last time jss updated and the other was just 2-3 days before last time jss updated.

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