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Hi! I am new to Upwork, and my first ever client just asked for an invoice. I don't know how to make one since most would recommend looking at the transaction history. My problem is that my client did not officially hire me for the job post that I applied for. We have been exchanging messages on Upwork, and I have been doing her requests for a week now. I was already planning to message her about the contract, but then she messaged me just earlier about the invoice. Any suggestions? 

Community Member

Yes--stop working through Upwork until you have educated yourself about how to use the platform.

You can, of course, simply type up an invoice and send it to the 'client' through messaging. But, she's  under no obligation at all to pay you. And, without a contract, she has no WAY to pay you. And if she pays you outside of Upwork, you are violating a key TOS and will likely be banned from the platform.

Appreciate the response, Tiffany. Thank you! I will be asking the client to set up a contract so we can continue with the payment

re: "Appreciate the response, Tiffany. Thank you! I will be asking the client to set up a contract so we can continue with the payment"


There is nothing wrong with asking the client to set up an Upwork contract and pay you.


You ARE allowed to do that.

But you are not required to do that.

Another valid choice would be to simply block this client from contacting you again and walk away from trying to receive any sort of payment.


My advice: It won't hurt to ask. So go ahead and ask for a contract and payment.


But don't beg. If the client doesn't want to pay you, she doesn't have to. Upwork won't force her to.


Overall, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you don't make the same mistake again in the future.

Community Member



When a client needs an invoice from Upwork, they can easily generate one by following these steps:


  1. Go to the Billing tab of the Contractor's Profile page.
  2. Click on Invoice History and select the invoice they want to view, print or download. 
  3. Select either View or Download (PDF or CSV) to view, print or download the invoice respectively.


Many clients are new to Upwork and don't understand the process; just help them out by explaining. Have a great day!

Thank you, William! Have a good day



Let me know if you have any other questions and I will do my best to help. Blessings!


Since OP had no contract with the "client," there is no Upwork invoice.

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