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Is this a SCAM?

Hello All! I am new to Upwork and I just had my very first proposal accepted. I did make sure that it was "payment verified" posting. However, upon chatting on Upwork he then asked me to message him via whatsup app. I told him that all payments and communications should be held through Upwork only. However I downloaded the app and texted him. He wants me to make a listing on facebook marketplace for a house he's selling. I feel like this is a scam.. is it? 

Community Member

Total scam. Communicating off-site is not allowed until after a contract is in place. Please read this and stay safe: https://community.upwork.com/t5/New-to-Upwork/List-of-red-flags-for-scams/m-p/1017044/highlight/true...

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Community Member

Total scam. Communicating off-site is not allowed until after a contract is in place. Please read this and stay safe: https://community.upwork.com/t5/New-to-Upwork/List-of-red-flags-for-scams/m-p/1017044/highlight/true...

Community Member

Aww why download the app and text them after telling them communication and payment has to be on Upwork? You should leave it at that because this is how they scam people. Also, if you come across another client like that, report the message and flag the job posting.

Community Member

Hello to everyone.

I am already communicating with scammer, he wants my paypal and send money,  how can report him?

Hi Vlado,

You can follow the instructions in this guide on how you can report suspicious activities, messages, or profiles. If further help is needed from my end, let me know. Thank you.

~ Goran
Community Member

Why did you download the app when you knew you shouldn't do that? Makes no sense to me. 

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