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Issue with Job Feed not showing relevant jobs.

Hello everyone,

I hope you all are having a great new year so far, it's been a while that I have noticed my Job Feed is missing a lot of jobs related to my line of work, I am 3D Artist and the settings I could choose to show is 3D Modeling and CAD, but still I'm missing a lot of jobs related specially to my most used programs for modeling like Pixologic ZBrush or other similar things, I wanted to know is there anyway I can fix this? or narrow my Job Feed to what I need and do?

Thank you.

Community Member

Hello Takavach,
Ofcourse you can narrow down your job feed to more relevant jobs by using "Search" feature and applying filters and saving them finally. Just follow these 3 steps in figure and your desired results are in front of you. You can also create multiple search entries and save them. This is a good feature to find perfect job to do easily.


Hello Muhammad,

Thank you for your reply, I tried to play with it a little bit it seems useful just one problem I can't figure it out, if I want to put multiple keywords like 3D  Modeling, 3D Scan, AR Modeling and... how do I do that? I tried 'OR" between them but in the end system was trying to find jobs that including all keywords at the same time.


Thank you very much.

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