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It might help you to manage work

Hello everybody!
Since i started to work on UpWork (near to 3+ years ago) i faced with problems when i wanted to manage my work results, check simple but detailed view of my earnings etc. So i decided to develop my own app for those reasons. It is web app which is already hosted and ready to use.
Basically it can do such things:

1. create clients manually or using import with .csv  file which you could get from your UpWork account;


2. create contracts manually or using import with .csv  file which you could get from your UpWork account:


3. log sums or worked time to the needed day of the needed contract manually or using import with .csv  file which you could get from your UpWork account:


4. check your earnings by week/month/year periods;


5. check some of your statistic with sums and charts;

6. And so on ... 🙂


Generally i created that app for myself but i was so exsited with that so i continue to work and add more features so app become more firendly and easy to use.

I would like to update that more and more and it would be great if some of you guys find that app useful for yourself and start to use that with providing your experiense/expectaions/needed features and so on.

I`m not sure if it is legal to provide direct link to such apps so i don`t do that and if you are interested of that then please send me direct message or upvote this post 🙂

I hope i will be helpful for you,

good luck and all the best!

Community Member

Nice interface but does this use the API with Oauth?

Do you mean UpWork API? 
If so then - nope. It is hard to get API key and i suppose not each user could do that.

Community Member

Well only you would need an API key not every user. And yes I mean the Upwork API. So is it web based or an extension? Or what? Is it open source?  I like the interface and don't hate the idea, but I'm also very strict about what runs on my work PC.

Well sorry for confusing you=)

It is web app which is free to use.

As for the API as i understood it provides info only about account of user which took such API key. 

So each new user would need his own API key. Am i wrong about that?

Illia P wrote:

Well sorry for confusing you=)

It is web app which is free to use.

As for the API as i understood it provides info only about account of user which took such API key. 

So when each new user would need his own API key. Am i wrong about that?

You get an API key and then the user gives your application permission to their data via Oauth (you pass your key to the Upwork API to get permission). So no every user does not need to get a key. If you are interested, go look up info on OAuth. I wrote an article that's sorta popular on using OAuth with Upwork's API but it would probably be better to learn about OAuth in general and my article uses C# anyway (I'm a backend dev).  You're a JS dev so I think my content would not be as useful as reading something about OAuth in general with examples in your frontend language of choice.


So for your app, I have to download my transactions? I see you mention a csv, so I guess I'm just wondering how you interface with someone's account if it's not using the API. But if I have to download a csv and it uses the csv, then that makes sense. The interface looks nice.

Yeah, i`m not good at back-end so did all stuff using front-end only. I suppose i will use some kind of cloud functions in future but for now it is not needed.
As i mentioned in the first topic your are able to create client/contract manually or using import. If you want to use import you should go to the "All contracts" page and download .csv from there (there is a tip present inside the app which help users to find such file in their UpWork account).

If you want to log sum/time (depends on contract type) you need to do that manually or using import. If you want to import that then you need to download .csv file from "Reports" -> "My reports" page.

All files are from your UpWork account.

And you should remeber that each import with transactions will add new items and not detect if something were already present. 

Community Member

Just would like to remind you gyus about my project because it is still might be helpful for you 🙂

Community Member

So, this tool only analyzes manually-entered data or data from a static file (.csv)? As I understand your description, the most effective use of your tool at the moment requires the user to delete all information and then import a fresh CSV from Upwork.


I'm with Jennifer, the UI is good. Is the dark mode default?

Hello Jonathan 🙂

Yes, you are right. There are two ways how users are able to manage data:

1. enter add data manually using Add/Edit/Delete functionlality;

2. use .csv files which could be exported from UpWork;

I`ve added simple helpers which should take the user to the needed place directly on UpWork to get needed files.

Dark mode is not defaut, but i like that more at the moment 😀


P.S. Generally users are able to use the app not only for UpWork contracts but for users from UpWork it has some benefits😊 

I`m interested in making the app more helpful and enjoyable so i opened to any ideas and suggestions 🙂

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