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Job Success Score dropped


I believe there's been a mistake made in the calculation of my job success score. It was previously at 78% and I just successfully completed two jobs were I was given good feedbacks and a five star rating. Yet, after my account was updated on the 29th, it dropped to 74%. I've been working hard to get my JSS back to 80% and I believe there's been a mistake. What do I do?


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~ Luiggi

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4 star is not a bad one.  And just getting 4 star on a single project wont make an effect in your jss that much. There may be few more reasons including private feedback, long time open non-active contracts and all.

It wont affect your freelancing career. Dont worry. Concentrate on your current and future jobs. Ofcourse I understand it will be bit difficult to get jobs, but it is not impossible. 

Dont blame the clients for 4 star feedbacks and dont expect 5* always. Just ask the client politely and rectify your mistake if there is anything you can do on your end. 

I have had my JSS drop a few points due to client mistakes before also.


Ask them if they would update the Review and then click Enable on the Feedback so they can.


Make 100% sure that it was a mistake because a mean person could drop the Review to 1 Star.

Community Member

Hi Upwork,


It hurts when you give your best to make your clients happy by working hard and providing the best work and one day you get a notification that your success rate is down from 100 to 43%. Every client gives me 5 stars publicly but one of them, I don't know why rated me too low in a private review or if I thought I made a mistake by working with such clients who work behind your back for grab and pull you down. It was just a $35 work which I did in just one night with a quality delivery and he appreciated it also but reviewed it too badly in private. Kindly help me out and let me know how can i recover my JSS


Many thanks!!

Noor Baig

Community Member

I was working on a project offered to me, there was a small misunderstanding between me and my client and he mistakenly ended the contract and asked for a refund (Contract ID 36382572) which I approved

Though the misunderstanding was resolved and client placed a similar offer again (Contract ID 36490268). I accepted the new offer and the client is currently very happy with my work. 

Yet, after this is happened I have observed that my JSS has dropped significantly. Now, the point is that why am I suffering for a mistake which I never made?

Client Made Mistake, Canceled, Refunded, Will it Affect My JSS?  Job Success Score droppped Client made a mistake with contract, closed it and rehired me 

Community Member

I have facing issue with my jss, my jss was 100% 3 days ago and suddenly drop to 60% ,it is so painful for me,i applied on a job and i mention i have 100% jss in my proposal, if he view my proposal he will ignore and can report to me on upwork, i contact with upwork support but they didn't give reasonable answer.i need really help.

Community Member


last month i had JSS score 100% but in  march i have seen it has reduced to 85%. I have completed 1 order last month and received 5 star rating, still my JSS has reduced. Can you let me know what issue impact my JSS score? 

Thanks and regards


Community Member



I’d like to inquire about the reduction in my Job Success Score (JSS). This decrease is puzzling, considering I have completed three projects recently and received positive feedback. Could you provide some clarification on the reasons behind this adjustment?

Thank you!

Hi Alina,


I'm sorry to learn about the drop in your score. Please know that your Job Success Score can change for several reasons, even without recent activity. We're afraid we won't be able to comment on an individual score or how specific contracts affect it. When calculated, your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


You can find more information in this article under the "Why did my JSS change?" section.


~ Arjay
Community Member

My case: a client gave me a job in 2 milestones, everything was completed and the client was satisfied ($900)... a month later he gave me another job unrelated to the last one as a 3rd milestone ($350), set a deadline of 6 days, at that time 70% was done, it took 1-2 days to complete, but to my surprise I receive a message asking for a refund after I accepted because the client did not know, how to cancel, I saw his feedback 4,4,1,1,1,1,1, I think the private one too, the score dropped to 78% from 100%... but he gave 1 feedback on my last successfully completed job and about the new one, for which I returned the money.. ...so my job for $900 suffers because of the one for $350, we have a good relationship, he is waiting for a refund to give me a new (old) job , he is completely dependent on me, he uses my unique software... I gave him 5*, he is new to upwork, but kill my JSS 7 months of pain So I’m thinking, why not give everyone a 1 from today, because JSS... was created to kill your professionalism .. (just because it's private, didn't anyone publicly give you such a low score!?  but if is private ? yeaaah, why not, people are different)
Why a new client on upwork can change your account score, he doesn’t even know, that’s how it works here..
if JSS is not fixed, all freelancers will find themselves in big losses, depression, and will look for something else I think

something needs to be changed, that’s all

And yes, I can find more information in this article under the "Why did my JSS change?" section.

ps: I apologize if I bothered anyone; I had some flashbacks.


for fear of losing money, the client will give you 0 stars if he can give it, because he doesn’t know the rules of upwork, escrow ... look at the screenshot


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Community Member

Hello dear UpWork team,


I want to express my sincere gratitude for all your efforts and hard work in building the entire system and everything else you have done. I truly appreciate it! I really enjoy working on this platform, it's a pleasure. However, I recently experienced a very unpleasant incident that resulted in my work success rate dropping to 71%.


I won't argue about the reasons, as I encountered a couple of dishonest clients who refused to pay for their projects after I completed them, leaving positive reviews and more. I understand all of this and have completed up to 10 successful projects since then. Here is the link to my profile, where you can read my reviews and see my rating. Both hourly and fixed-rate contracts were completed. https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/evgeniybpresentationdesign


Despite my efforts, my rating is not increasing, and it's dropping rapidly, only increasing by 1-2% at a time. I don't quite understand this system, and there seems to be some mistake. This is the second time I am sending this message, as I haven't received a response the first time.


Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Sincerely, Evgeniy

Hi Evgeniy,


Please keep in mind that your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame

I hope this clarifies. Enjoy the weekend! 


~ Arjay
Community Member

Thank you very much for your responses

Community Member

Hello dear UpWork team,


I want to express my sincere gratitude for all your efforts and hard work in building the entire system and everything else you have done. I truly appreciate it! I really enjoy working on this platform, it's a pleasure. However, I recently experienced a very unpleasant incident that resulted in my work success rate dropping to 71%.


I won't argue about the reasons, as I encountered a couple of dishonest clients who refused to pay for their projects after I completed them, leaving positive reviews and more. I understand all of this and have completed up to 10 successful projects since then. Here is the link to my profile, where you can read my reviews and see my rating. Both hourly and fixed-rate contracts were completed.


Despite my efforts, my rating is not increasing, and it's dropping rapidly, only increasing by 1-2% at a time. I don't quite understand this system, and there seems to be some mistake. This is the second time I am sending this message, as I haven't received a response the first time.


Thank you for your understanding and consideration.


Sincerely, Evgeniy

Hi Evgeniy, some of your contract don't have feedback, and you need to keep in mind there is also private feedback which is different to the public one and can also affect your JSS. On top of that contracts that do not earn you much don't do too much for JSS either. So in reality you need to work on bigger contracts more and get good feedback on those, so just keep doing a good job and it will improve, good luck!

Thank you very much for your responses, and I will indeed continue working further. Have a great weekend and take care!

Having jobs with no feedback does not affect your JSS. The primary issue is the private feedback, which you can't see. Use the link to the Academy at the top of the page, and learn how to have a great profile.



You need a searchable skill title. Go through the ones in the search, and find one that matches your field. Remove the graphics, yes the five stars, too, because they don't mean anything and you're wasting the first sentence. The first sentence is all the clients see in a search, so use it to professionally tell the client why you are the best choice. Remove all the graphics/emojis, and form the words into paragraphs, while telling the client what you can do better than the rest. If you work on it, you can have a great profile. A professional profile will attract clients and deter scammers.

Hi! I truly appreciate your advice regarding my UpWork profile. You've been incredibly helpful, and I've already removed many unnecessary details from it. Please know that you can count on me, and if you ever need any design work done, I'll be happy to do it for free the first time as a token of my gratitude for your guidance.

If you believe there has been an error in the calculation of your Job Success Score (JSS) on Upwork, the best course of action is to reach out to Upwork's customer support team directly. They have dedicated support staff who can investigate the issue further and provide you with clarification or assistance in resolving the discrepancy.

When contacting customer support, be sure to provide specific details about the jobs you completed, including the feedback received and any other relevant information that could help them understand your situation better. They will review your case and communicate with you about any adjustments or clarifications that may be needed.

Remember to remain polite and professional in your communication with Upwork's support team, as this will help facilitate a positive resolution to the issue.

I sincerely appreciate your kind words. However, I could not accept your generous offer, because I offer help to the community for free. The best thing you can do for me, is to be safe and successful!

ok thank you and survey my position for the country govermengovernment and
world md sumon done.
Community Member

i have completed three jobs with 4 , 4.7 and 5 stars but my job success rate is 54 % how is that can be?

Until recently, public feedback, stars and all, had no impact on your JSS. While Upwork doesn't say because half of the freelancers would cheat, but it still has very little impact. The primary metric is private feedback, because it's the only semblance of a way to avoid cheater freelancers. There are other factors, such a sjob length, amount of earnings, etc. but I guarantee you, it was the private feedback.


You need to review your jobs, and see where you may have goofed, or could have done better. Right or wrong, one or more clients gave you poor private feedback.

Community Member

Hello everyone,
I have a problem for the first time in 3 years. I had a transcription review fixed contract. They've given unreasonable deadlines. I did the best that could be done in two days or so for 40 hours recording. They asked for revisions which I've done. I'm not the transcriber, my role is QA here. Now, they want all transcription from scratch with client feedbacks in a few days. It isn't possible and I won't do it. I've waited for the payment release for 14 days. 
Probably, this will ruin my profile and JSS. I want to give their payment back and end the contract. What would you do and how will it affect my profile? 

Hi Hulya,


A lack of feedback is no longer considered an outcome and, as a result, should no longer impact your Job Success Score (JSS).
Your JSS can change because:
- You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- You receive very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- A higher-value job is added to your score and outweighs lower-value jobs.
- Jobs you completed in the past are no longer considered because they are outside the score's time frame.
You can find more information under the "Why did my JSS change?" section in this article.
~ Joanne
Community Member

Hello all and Upwork team,

First of all kindly avoid giving the robotic answer which is " your Jss can dropped for a number of reasons blah blah blah".

I want good answer, 2 week ago my Jss was 93 and and I completed a project and the client gave me 4.2 review and it drops my Jss to 89. I understand that's because of the Review. Then in the coming week I tried hard and got 4-5 projects with high values as compared to the previous and also got 5 star feedback and with very satisfied clients. One even sent me $15 bonus so it's not possible that they have provided bad private feedback. After completing these projects I was expecting my JSS to move up, At least a bit but it is static like sky and it really likes the 89 spot. And my mind is spinning. 

If there is anyone who can connect me to Upwork human support and can give me a human reply I would really appreciate that. 

Again stay away people who are only posting robotics replies.

Thank you all.

Stay blessed 

Same with me I just amazed why it's same even though last 2 week I work hard and get 5 stars and completed projects on time 

And the funny part is If you get slightly less than 5 star review for just one job then it would hit it like 9.5 earthquake and will shatter.

I have total of 27 jobs and two of them has i would say not good reviews, averaging 4 stars.

Absolutely agree! 1 refund can drop jss then why can't 4 new 5 star reviews increase jss??

its same since last 4 week and in that week i got new hiring, mistones paid and 5 star rating too they are considering 2 different clients so i have that too..and i am sure they didn't give me negative private feedback because they are planning;g to rehire me in next week...but Upwork every time like other factors and negative feedback affects but this time i take care of that too...think about it client is more than happy thats why he is thinking to rehire me for another project!

Community Member

Hii There!


Upwork said they are calculate Jss based on 2 new client and 2 week so this time I work hard and new hiring as well clients give me a 5 star review as well and they like my service so they will rehire next week too! So where is an issue? Why Jss is same since last 4 week?


1 refund can drop Jss they why 3 new 5 star reviews can increase Jss ? 
I would like to know its bug or how it's working? (And I am sure there might possible not any negative private feedback because they are happy and want to rehire so don't tell me that point I am aware of it 😌 obviously they have good experience that's why they are planning to rehire..).


and different contract ending, milestone completed, I submitted work via work section then why it's not changing little also since 4 week it's 82% only and 1 refund drop down from 87% to 82% so why that same process not carry on for 3 positive review and increasing in score? Just amazed!

I recommend Upwork to many freelancers and clients too...

looking forward for your support 🙂


Best regards,


Sorry, noone will tell you truth. Public info from ToS you already know. But no ansfers for your questions there.

Collect more good feedbacks. Thats all what you can do here.

Absolutely agree with you...if we work hard we should know how it's calculated, so we can move in right direction ..isn't it? 

Community Member

How is a $400 contract "Edit video in the Dan Koe style" with 5 stars on both private and public feedback worth less than a $100 contract "Podcasts to Reels Video Editor with Minimal Animations" with 5 stars only on public feedback and (probably a very low rating on private feedback)?


This $100 contract "Podcasts to Reels Video Editor with Minimal Animations", despite having 5 stars, decreased my JSS (Job Success Score) from 100% to 82% (representing 18% damage).On the other hand, a $421 contract "Edit video in the Dan Koe style" (four times larger) increased my JSS from 82% to 85% (representing 3% benefit).


Furthermore, it's crucial to note that the client for the $100 project "Podcasts to Reels Video Editor with Minimal Animations" was exceptionally demanding. He requested 9 revisions, and there would probably have been even more if his client hadn't insisted on keeping the current style.


He even said personally that we had done too many revisions, promising a $25 bonus at the end (Which of course he didn't paid)


Despite his claims that the videos were excellent, we spent 20 days working on those 5 videos. Additionally, he requested revisions at 10 and 11 p.m. to impress the client.


I didn't want to give him a low rating because he promised to give me 5 stars.


Proof for my claims: **Edited for Community Guidelines**


Because of this, I lost the opportunity to become Top Rated even though I have 12/16 eligible weeks and meet all other requirements.


Will you fix my JSS to over 90% as it should be according to the rules you have written?

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

According to the public part of rules - yes. But not for real rules.

My JSS has repeatedly decreased and increased without objective reasons. All we can get is a template answer from the moderators that everything is very secret.

Absolutely correct...we all know calculation is secret but $$$ successful job increase 3% but 2-3 refund can decrease 16%+ rate..why this kind of calculation if it's division with total increase and decrease ratio are nearly same

Hi Vladimir,


I'm sorry to learn about the change in your score. We can't share the specifics on how your JSS is calculated or how different contracts affect it. In general, your JSS can change because:


- You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- You receive positive public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- A higher-value job is added to your score and outweighs lower-value jobs.
- Jobs you completed in the past are no longer considered because they are outside the score's time frame.
You can find more information under the "Why did my JSS change?" section in this article.
~ Luiggi

Yes same ha open with me 3 refund decrease my score 16-18% but 4 new 5 star successful job only increase 3%

The public feedback is primarily for the clients to read, but it did not have an impact on the JSS until recently. Upwork can't tell us the formula because half of the freelancers would immediately game the system, but from my calculations, and looking at hundreds of calculations, I still see very little impact from public feedback. If your JSS goes down, look to the private feedback. However, you have experienced, that the private is heavily weighed, whereas the public is not.


Clients are often reluctant to be honest about their feelings for a variety of reasons. They know the freelancer can't read or know exactly who said what in private, so they are much more honest. Examine the jobs that lowered your score. You have a good idea, by the timeline if nothing else. See if you can identify issues and areas where you can improve. Focus on sending great proposals, and you can get to a higher JSS.

Community Member

My Job success socre was 100% which recently dropped to 90% without any reason. Please check and solve the issue

Community Member

MY JSS (Job Success Score) is deceased from 100% to 83% and now 76%! I think upwork should provide at least some reasons why it is happening!

I want to know why the JSS is decreased!

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