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Job feedback doesn't affect my Job feed.

There are many times on Upwork where I've downvoted a job and send feedbacks like "Budget too low", "Doesn't match skills", "Unrealistic expectations" among many others. But it's sad to note that these feedbacks doesn't really affect my job feed. I still see jobs with low bids, required skills that don't match with my profile and outright scam jobs. The question is do Upwork really care about freelancers having jobs that meet their demands or they're just interested in getting money from connects?

Community Member

I suggest that even if the budgets are too low at least you should accept them even if , they are better than nothing and on your profile page tap find work and you will see an icon called match skills and there you will see proposals that match your skills.It will be advisable that next time you contact your support team to avoid future scammers.

I don't think accepting low budget jobs is the right idea. Remember upwork takes 10% off the what the clients pays the worker. furthermore, it costs connects to get job. if you spend $10 worth of connects on $30 job that may take up to a week or less  to complete how does that help you? The only reason why one may accept such jobs is if he/she wants to get experience/profile reviews. Otherwise, it is not a wise move to take low budget jobs. As for the "Best Match" section, the jobs overthere have similar problems with the ones on other job feeds.

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Try advanced job search using keywords for your rate, skills, the job's budget, and any other criteria for your search. See if that helps. The algorithm screws up the regular job feed and even the best matches for all of us.


At times there aren't good quality jobs posted that day or even longer. But they do eventually turn up. You may need to dedicate some time each day to unearth the ones worth bidding and working on.


It's bad advice to take on low-paying jobs. Often, they go hand in hand with the most demanding, even ill-intentioned clients.


If you have a job history and reviews as a freelancer willing to work for low pay, it's going to be difficult to convince clients you're worth more.  


Know your worth--clients do respect that. If you're just starting on Upwork, then set a reasonable rate that the market will bear for your niche within 20% of where you want to be in six to twelve months.


If you position yourself as a high-quality freelancer--provided you have the skills to back it up--eventually, you will attract better-paying jobs and clients. Patience and being strategic about what kind of jobs you want to work on are key.


Then slowly increase your rate once you have a history of successful jobs. In other words, piggyback on your success. 


I like that you're asking smart questions and not accepting random freelancers' advice who aren't familiar with how the platform works.


Best of luck! 



Community Member

I have given up marking feedback from jobs because they have no impact on my feed... and have made no impact on Upwork's practices.  

Community Member

I'm considering giving up on doing that as well.

Community Member

Actually they do make an impact because it can also affect your job success score.

How? Do you mind explaining more about this? Before now I thought it was only the reviews and client feedback that can affect job success score. I would really love upwork personnel to come out and confirm or debunk what you said.

Community Member

Sydney is incorrect, Giving feedback on your job listing feed has absolutely no effect on your JSS. Its stated purpose is to help the algorithm display jobs tailored to your particular skill set. And it doesn't work very well. 


Only the client's feedback public and private on closed contracts affects your JSS.

Community Member

Upwork taking 10% service fees to maintain platform and product quality if they require support from us then it's good to ask feedback so we all can improve their platform.

Community Member

I have the same thoughts all the time, but the 'Best Matches' section is a complete joke. For me it's always filled with logo jobs for under $100, which is ridiculous. There's even one listing I saw in there for an $8 for logo variations.


Along with this, the fact that UpWork keeps randomly upping the number of connects required for job proposals is ridiculous, and there should be an feedback option of "connects to high". That $8 job requires at least 9 connects. There's another listing that I just saw where the person just wants a tagline added to their logo, and that one requires 12 connects.


I know this is slightly off topic, however if UpWork truly wants to help improve our job searches (as is stated at the bottom of the thumbs down drop down) then they need to take accountability for the errors they are making with these job listings because it is not the clients that choose the required connects. Because I would have put in a proposal for the job needing a tagline added, but if a small simple job like that is going to be arbitrarily given such a high connects requirement, the UpWork needs to be able to be notified that they are in fact hurting that job and I don't want to see such outrageous jobs in my feed.

Yes, as you've suggested, there needs to be an option for "connects too high" on job feedback and the connects required to bid for a job needs to reflect the budget of the client and the hiring history of the client. Clients that have a good hire rate, pay high wages/hourly rates and is willing to pay high wages/hourly rates for the current job should cost a high number of connects. New clients/clients that pay low wages should cost more. That would be fair.


However, the real issue here is that the job feed need to reflect the feedback of the freelancer but it doesn't. I would really want upwork to properly implement the feedback mechanism on the "Best Matches" section as well as the "Most Recent" section.

The main issue is that there seems to be absolutely no effect at all on the job feed. Though I do understand that it can be a bit difficult from UpWork's end based on the method that is used. If I mark a job as "Budget too low", how will they know exactly what makes an acceptable budget for me? If I mark it as "Unrealistic expectations", how do they know what are the specific expectations that I consider unrealistic?


Part of the issue goes further back to simply how the search works. I can put certain criteria that I want included or things I want excluded, yet there are still plenty of results that come up that don't match the criteria included in the search.

so 9 connects is $1.35 - Thats your cost of doing business my friends! But you all want to gripe about it. try paying for your own website, an expensice click per view SEO amd get ZERO return on you investment!  I think most complainer here do not have the slightest idea of how web systems work or even cot. They get a FREE Wix account and expect to take on the world.


Y'all miss the issue right in front of your faces!

An abundance of "Hiring" sites and methods - UW,  5r, Indead, Angy, and yes - even Ebahy, Fbook, TickTot, Ex  and on and on. Also include your local Classified News and Backpages.
Now - do some math.  I'm in Video Production and Editing. Ther are over 4,000 similar folks on just here on UW. So I am competing every day with the 4K here, PLUS the 1,000's on the other mentions services, PLUS all the guys who have regular jobs (like TV) looking for side-hustles!

Look at YOUR specific area of expertise, and determine your Odds of winning. Its sort of = to your states lottery!
Its all about self promotion. One tip that DJT gets right is - "Stay in front of the people". So he is always in the news!
YOU need to market everywhere! Dont just rely on UW for work. But that also means you need to SPEND MONEY and CONNECT(S), and TIME. Buy into the SSO and MARKET YOURSELF - or you wont see any busuness!

Good Luck,


Community Member

Why not be proactive instead of demanding that Upwork spoon-feed you suitable jobs? Set up custom filters and ignore Upwork's suggestions if they're not working for you - it takes about two minutes. 

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