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Jss dropped

Hello UpWork Community,


I got a job with a customer that was trying to get some information as ethical hacking, based on her request she was looking for public data, but then this become public data but pointing to personal, I was not able to provide this information because it was illegal, somehow I provided the work based on the public information available, so I submitted the work but not to end the contract, client proceed and close the project and gave me a 4 stars reducing my Jss to 69%


I really need help since it is not fair the score, and I was always replying back with less than 10 min and always offering answers to all the doubts. Please Upwork, what can we do in this case?



Ruben T


Hi Ruben,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I checked and it looks like you are already in communication with our team via a support ticketPlease allow more time for our team to review your case and respond accordingly to your ticket. You will be notified of their response.


~ Nikola
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