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Last name change



I would like to change the last name on my freelancer profile. I've been trying for over a week. I tried making a community post and I was told I will be contacted but no one contacted me. I tried to send a request to change my name via settings multiple times but it wasn't changed. I would like someone to help me change it so I can verify my payment method as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Omar,


I checked with the team and they were able to approve your name change request! If you're still experiencing any issues please let us know.



View solution in original post

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Omar,


Your name has already been verified and you have your ID Verification Badge. It doesn't look like there is any name change request on your account at the moment. You should be able to change your profile name by going to Settings > Contact info and clicking on the pencil icon. If you're experiencing any issues while doing this please let us know more details so we could help.


Community Member



Indeed my ID was verified. My problem is that the last name on my freelancer profile is actually my official middle name, not my real last name. I would like to change it to the same last name as in my official ID in order to be able to connect a payment method. I just submitted a request to change it again via settings. Would you please assist me?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Omar,


Looks like your name change request is under review currently. Please allow up to 48 hours for your request to be reviewed. 


Thank you! 

~ Bojan
Community Member

Hello Bojan,


It's been more than 48 hours and it still wasn't approved. This is making it impossible for me to add a payment method. I just resubmitted a new request. Could you please help me? 

Community Member

Omar E wrote:

It's been more than 48 hours and it still wasn't approved. This is making it impossible for me to add a payment method. I just resubmitted a new request.

Stop submitting new requests. They will simply get merged with your old one and slow things down even more.

Wait patiently until this is resolved. Ultimately it is you who added your name wrong. Now give Upwork time to resolve your mistake.

Community Member

I've been waiting patiently for around a month. My profile's last name is actually my middle name. I've been trying to change it ever since I had my account re-opened. I don't understand why it's taking so much time especially that my ID was already verified within a couple days and my last name is clearly shown there.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Omar,


I checked with the team and they were able to approve your name change request! If you're still experiencing any issues please let us know.


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