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Late rating by client



I have a client I stopped working with 7 months ago as she didn't fund milestones for the last two jobs.


I still have an article unpaid despite a couple of requests.  I didn't notice she had not funded the last two milestones until I submitted the work. 


I didn't persue the matter as I ended with health issues that resulted in a 4 month break from work.


Now after 7 months she has closed the job and given me a 4 star rating which has made my JSS crash from 100% two days ago (that I maintained with great effort for over 6 years now) to 98% today.


 How can rating feedback from this one client  affect myJSS ratings negatively when she hasn't worked with me in months and not paid me my last fees?


I have clearly provided private feedback stating why I stopped working on the project.


I can't even refute her rating as she has left no written feedback. 


This has left me demoralised with the knowledge that clients can get away with anything and freelancers will be penalised any which way.










Community Member

 A 4 star rating and 98% JSS is not bad. It will hardly have any effect on your ability to land jobs. Since you mentioned she just ended your contract (within the 2-week time frame), make sure you leave accurate, but honest feedback for the contract, in public. Complete a couple new jobs and your JSS will go right back up. 

Thanks Heather

Community Member

A 4-star rating will work in your favor because clients will know you are not a robot who gets only 5-star ratings. Clients will want to hire human freelancers, I suppose.


I hope so, given that it is hard to get the clients attention here nowadays with boosts, spam proposals, and what not.


A different place from what it was 2 years ago, and definitely not what it was as Elance ( I joined just a year before the merger).

Community Member

This is a lot of drama about nothing. It's understandable to be upset, but this will likely have no effect at all on your ability to get work here, and leaving a four-star rating is hardly "getting away with anything." If you mean the non-payment on the last two milestones, that's on you. It was a rotten thing for the client to do and I hope you left them feedback warning other freelancers, but Upwork is very clear that they can only take action when you use the tools they've put in place. 

Thank you for stopping by and reading this drama about nothing.


I had posted this in the support forum looking for a reply from the team, not other freelancers, about sudden JSS drop. 


It was pushed into the freelancer forum. Had I known this, I won't have bothered to post. 


I've been going through a rough time lately and the last thing I wanted is to be called a drama queen by a total stranger.


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