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Long Term Contract

Hey, I have a question regarding long term contracts and clients. I have worked with a particular client for 93 days now on an hourly contract, and I have been paid constantly every week since we started the contract. When is this going to be calculated in the "My stats" page? Thanks in advance
Contract ID is 23729430




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Community Manager

Hi Stevan,


Clients you work with for at least three months in the past year and pay you regularly are your long-term clients. This could be over one or multiple contracts and could be hourly or fixed-price work. I checked the contract you're referring to and it should qualify as a long-term relationship and reflect the long-term status in a couple of weeks.


Thank you!

~ Bojan

Hi Bojan, thanks for your response.
Yes, I was hoping that this will be on the next update which is on Sunday, becouse this contract is already 3 months old. Its ok anyways, just checking. Thanks

Hi Bojan,

I got a 33% long term clients stat today. But I want to know, what is the benefit of getting it? Specially that it doesn't appear on public profile I think.


Hi Mazen,


Thank you for your question. Amongst other factors, long term relationships with your clients can help boost your Job Success Score. You can check this help article to learn more.


Thank you.

~ Luiggi

Hello. And where is that long term status reflected? Can new clients view it in your prrofile ?

Hi Marina,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Clients you work with for at least three months in the past year and pay you regularly are your long-term clients. This could be over one or multiple contracts and could be hourly or fixed-price work. On the client's end, they will not see an indicator saying that a contract is long-term but they would see when the contract has started and whether it's still in progress or has already ended.

~ AJ
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