» Forums » Freelancers » Re: My JSS Score although all of my last feed...
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Mustafa's avatar
Mustafa A Community Member


Hello, I was working on Upwork for about 2 months, having my clients satisfied with my work and giving me either 4.5, 4.7, or even 5 stars and awesome feedback, and all the work was done completely, when my JSS appeared it is 77%. How did this happen?


Additional notes:

- All contracts ended successfully when they offer me and I accept them, but not all of the interviews or invitations ended up being contracts or offers, Does this affect me?


- How can I overcome this problem as it destroyed my profile, reaching out to new clients became hard (I only have two long term clients, who came before this problem, how can I harness them to overcome the problem)


Thanks in advance 🙂

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.


Thank you!

~ Luiggi

View solution in original post

661 REPLIES 661
Lisa's avatar
Lisa B Community Member

Anybody home?

Adam's avatar
Adam T Community Member

I can confirm that my JSS updated yesterday but still no location that shows the date of update. 

Muhammad's avatar
Muhammad U Community Member

Greetings Upwork Team,

Let me thank you for such a supportive platform.

Well, It's been a few months I am getting disturbed due to a few issues, your kind attention and help is required!

My badge was returned a few weeks back and then it was gone just due to a single bad reivew which was changed to a good review later. After 88% JSS, I have completed around four projects and JSS is unable to reach 90 to get badge back and my eliblge weeks are also going down.

Look, eligible weeks are unstoppable but JSS will update every two is effecting my account health a lot.

I request you to please fix the issue as this is totally ununderstandable that my JSS fall to 88% due to a bad review which was even fixed later but 4 jobs delivered with 5 start review are not getting added to my account health.

Hope you can understand and update my account issue, so that we can help each other grow!

Thank you,

Shaikh Atif's avatar
Shaikh Atif A Community Member

I had a very good relation with my clients and everyone appreciated my work. I am new to Upwork and now I see that it is showing me the JSS which is very low. I dont get it why everyone seemed happy and gave a 5-star rating but if someone is really unsatisfied with my work I can do a 100% refund just dont want to spoil my profile. One more thing will a 100% refund work in anyway to deal with negative fb as publicly all is good?

William T's avatar
William T C Community Member

What is your JSS?


If it is 90%+, don't worry about, but instead focus on keeping new clients happy.

Rehan's avatar
Rehan H Community Member

My JSS was dropped a few months back due to private feedback where the client wanted to get more out of the contract than what was agreed. It got to 95% and then got some good feedback and was at 97%. Then after December, I got to 95% without any bad feedback or changes from my end.


Since then, I've been getting good feedback with comments and recently got a contract that helped me move to the Top Rated Plus category. In a single contract, was the biggest contract so far as I normally continue to switch contracts based on job description even with the same client.


The contract ended with a very positive 5.0 feedback and I was waiting for UpWork to pick up on this and put my JSS back to 100% or something better than 96% since this was a big contract that weighs more.


However, my JSS DIDN'T CHANGE AT ALL! I put in a support request and as always, got an empty sugar-coated response back that everything was good and accurate and I should just shut up.


- There wasn't any big contract that slipped out the feedback window.

- Other than the one I mentioned which was 6+ months ago, there isn't any other feedback public/private that I got that could have affected this.

This is super annoying!

Nisha's avatar
Nisha K Community Member

can someone help How can i increase job success Rate I alredy recive the good review from my client and still my job sucess rate is 93 

Christopher's avatar
Christopher C Community Member


can someone help How can i increase job success Rate LaSRS Login I alredy recive the good review from my client and still my job sucess rate is 93 

A 93% Job Success Rate (JSS) on Upwork is already very good! However, if you'd like to push it even higher, here are some strategies you can consider:

Maintaining Client Satisfaction:

  • Deliver High-Quality Work: This goes without saying, but consistently exceeding client expectations is crucial for maintaining a good JSS.
  • Excellent Communication: Stay in close contact with your clients throughout the project. Keep them updated on progress, address any concerns promptly, and be receptive to feedback.
  • Meeting Deadlines: Deliver projects on time or, ideally, even a bit ahead of schedule whenever possible. This demonstrates reliability and professionalism.

Enhancing Your Profile:

  • Strong Portfolio: Showcase your best work on your Upwork profile. Use clear visuals, detailed descriptions, and highlight successful client outcomes.
  • Detailed Profile Description: Craft a compelling profile description that clearly outlines your skills, experience, and value proposition for clients.
  • Positive Client Reviews: Positive client feedback is a major trust factor for potential clients. Encourage satisfied clients to leave detailed reviews on your profile.

Project Selection and Bidding:

  • Focus on Your Best Skills: Apply for projects that are a good fit for your expertise and experience. Don't stretch yourself too thin.
  • Competitive Rates: Set your rates competitively while ensuring they reflect your value. Consider offering packages or discounts for larger projects.
  • Clear Proposals: Write clear and concise proposals that showcase your understanding of the client's needs and how you can address them.

Upwork Resources:

The Upwork Community you linked is a great resource (https://community.upwork.com/). There you can find discussions, tips, and advice from other freelancers on how to improve their JSS and overall success on the platform. Upwork Academy also offers courses and resources specifically related to Job Success Scores: https://community.upwork.com/t5/Freelancers/How-to-maintain-job-success-score/m-p/634707

Remember, a high JSS is a gradual process. By consistently providing excellent service, building trust with clients, and maintaining a strong profile, you can continue to increase your JSS over time.

Akinaw's avatar
Akinaw M Community Member

i have completed two tasks with 5 star but my Job Success rate does not increase why is that?

Ammar's avatar
Ammar K Community Member

What is the best way to increase JSS?

Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi Ammar,


You may be able to improve your Job Success Scores in several ways. This includes cultivating lasting client relationships, consistently delivering exceptional work, and actively seeking higher-value projects. Find more tips about improving your JSS in Upwork Academy.

~ Joanne
Ammar's avatar
Ammar K Community Member

Thank you!

Bilkan's avatar
Bilkan K Community Member

Hi, I recently closed a contract for $8900 and the client gave 5-star feedback before JSS calculation day.

Despite this, my JSS score of 86 did not change even by 1 point. Even according to the calculation of 3, 6, 12, and 24 months after a high-value contract, it does not seem possible for JSS to remain unchanged. I recently contacted the support team about the feedback not appearing and they fixed the bug, so there is a possibility for a JSS calculation bug too.


Please check the JSS calculation of my profile.

Thank you.

~ Bilkan

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Bilkan,


Considering that today is when JSS updates and is still in the process of updating across the platform, you could still see your score change. Kindly allow 24 hours to confirm your new score, and if it doesn't update, you can let us know so we can check this further for you. 

~ Luiggi
Bilkan's avatar
Bilkan K Community Member

Hello Luiggi,

Thank you for your fast response. As I see my JSS is updated, however, only 1 point has been added, and it changed from 86 to 87. Is this calculation correct or it can be updated again in 24 hours?

If the JSS won't be updated again in 24 hours and we assume that the private feedback is 10 out of 10, would this be a correct calculation to increase only 1 point in the $8900 contract?

~ Bilkan

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Thanks for letting us know, Bilkan. We’ve escalated your community post to a support ticket. One of our agents will be in touch with you soon to check on this further. 

~ Luiggi
Md Abdul Hannan's avatar
Md Abdul Hannan S Community Member

##- It's my pleasure Thank you so much for your email. -##
Vladimir's avatar
Vladimir B Community Member

I want someone create a ticket for this issue.


How is a $400 contract "Edit video in the Dan Koe style" with 5 stars on both private and public feedback worth less than a $100 contract "Podcasts to Reels Video Editor with Minimal Animations" with 5 stars only on public feedback and (probably a very low rating on private feedback)?


This $100 contract "Podcasts to Reels Video Editor with Minimal Animations", despite having 5 stars, decreased my JSS (Job Success Score) from 100% to 82% (representing 18% damage).On the other hand, a $421 contract "Edit video in the Dan Koe style" (four times larger) increased my JSS from 82% to 85% (representing 3% benefit).


Furthermore, it's crucial to note that the client for the $100 project "Podcasts to Reels Video Editor with Minimal Animations" was exceptionally demanding. He requested 9 revisions, and there would probably have been even more if his client hadn't insisted on keeping the current style.


He even said personally that we had done too many revisions, promising a $25 bonus at the end (Which of course he didn't paid)


Despite his claims that the videos were excellent, we spent 20 days working on those 5 videos. Additionally, he requested revisions at 10 and 11 p.m. to impress the client.


I didn't want to give him a low rating because he promised to give me 5 stars.

NARASIMHA RAO Y Community Member


My JSS score has remained stable at 95%. but yesterday  it is gone below 82% , can i  get the reason 

thank you

narasimha rao

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Narasimha,


I am sorry to hear about the drop in Job Success Scores. JSS reflects many factors, such as public and private feedback, long-term contracts, and repeat ones. You can monitor your Job Success Score on your My Stats page. Check out this guide to learn more about the factors affecting your Job Success Score.
- Pradeep
Rhennel's avatar
Rhennel C Community Member

All of my public feedbacks are all five starts. I'm not sure why my JSS score drop to 89%.

Milos's avatar
Milos V Community Member

Hi Rhennel, there is also the private feedback which affects your JSS.

Muhammad Iraj's avatar
Muhammad Iraj M Community Member

My JSS score 80% i want know why its drop to 80% i dont have any negative feedback 

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

You dont know that. Private feedbacks is hidden from you. No way to know what is there.

Muhammad Iraj's avatar
Muhammad Iraj M Community Member

thankyou for your response so is there any way to remove it or anything to rise the jss score 


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