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Messages- prolems

Has anyone else had problems with messages over the past two days? The interface looks completely different, it takes forever to load, does not update to reflect latest messages, and does not show the information that it used to show (who the client is, their information, the proposal info etc.)

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Mary Beth,


I tried and wasn't able to replicate the issue you're describing. Could you please confirm if you're experiencing this issue with the Upwork Desktop App or when you're logged into your browser? Let us know, and we'll surely assist you accordingly.


~ Arjay
Community Member

There's a huge problem with their servers.  They need to find a company which hires freelancers who could fix this for them...

Community Member

Logged into my browser. and the app on my phone.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Mary,


Thank you for following up. I shared your report with our team and one of our agents will reach out to you using a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your support tickets here.


Community Member

Messages don't sync; star ratings don't sync, emails take half an hour to arrive; system periodically stops working completely, etc.  They have overloaded servers.  A quick job posting would produce dozens of people able to solve the problem for $100.

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