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Amanda's avatar
Amanda L Community Member

Milestone question

I have a lovely long-term client who works fixed price. We often group tasks together under milestones. Recently we had a milestone with 4 tasks, separately priced, but all due the same time. However, 1 of the 4 tasks we ended up foregoing. So I submitted work for 3 of the 4 tasks and asked for partial release of funds. 


Is it possible to transfer the remaining funds in escrow into a new milestone without having to refund it to the client and then have them fund a new milestone? 


I know I can work around this, but if there is a way to do this, I'd like to know. 

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Amanda,


Thank you for your message. When a client release a partial milestone, the remaining funds in escrow can be used by the client to fund the next milestone. If the client or you decides to end the contract after a partial payment on the milestone, the client will need to request an escrow refund for the remainder. You can refer to this help page for more information.


Thank you


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