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Name Change

Hi! I'm on the process of finalizing my upwork Profile. I'm using my google account. I want to change my First Name from Juan Hari to John King.

Juan = John
Hari = King

That's from Tagalog to English translation. I want to change and make it formal.

Thank You! 

- John King


**Edited for Community Guidelines** 

Community Member

Juan Hari M wrote:

Hi! I'm on the process of finalizing my upwork Profile. I'm using my google account. I want to change my First Name from Juan Hari to John King.

Do your government issued ID documents, which you will eventually be using to verify your identity, say "John King"?


If not, don't try to change your name and stick to your real legal name as required by Upwork's terms of service.

Community Member

Yes i do have Governmet issued ID's, passport, etc...

This is my first time creating a profile on upwork. I didn't know that it will adapt my name directly after connecting my google account. I thought upwork profile will be different.

Community Member

Juan Hari M wrote:

Yes i do have Governmet issued ID's, passport, etc...

In the name of "John King"? That is the whole point...

Your profile name must match your legal name as it appears on your ID documents.

Community Member

Yes that's my real and legal First Name.
After connecting my google account directly (Juan Hari as my first name), it got followed and reflected here at upwork.

I can provide governement ID's if the mods / support requires me to do so...

Community Member

Juan Hari M wrote:

Yes that's my real and legal First Name.

Right. Then just change your name in your Settings > Contact Info


Read Upwork's policy on name changes

Community Member

I tried it from there several times for a couple of days now. It just refreshes and nothing happens. I can't change it. 

Picture attached...

Now, that notification is there. Later, it will be gone. Still unchanged.


**Edited for Community Guidelines** 

Hello John,


Thank you for your message.


I am pleased to inform you that your name change request is approved now.


Thank you.



Thank you so much! ^_^

Community Member

I am also having the same issue.


I signed up using Gmail which has the initials S and J.


I have changed the name in the upwork Contact Info to my real name **Edited for Community Guidelines** but it's not being reflected in the display name.


In settings > Contact Info it's being displayed as Sanjeeb Lama but in public it's being displayed as SJ. Can you help?

Community Member

Hi Sanjeeb,


We’ve escalated your community post to a support ticket. One of our agents will be in touch with you soon to assist.


~ Arjay
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