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No feeback given

Hi, I completed my 2nd Job on Upwork. The work is finished and I ask the Client politely daily if he had some issue with work I will fix it he had no issue. So I told him if he don,t mind ending the contract. He didn't respond. This client had already spent of 200k and 1 review with a 1-star rating. I ended the contract from my side. So the question is: Is he able to give me feedback? If yes then for how many days will he able?. Second If he did,t give feedback because of mine profile is new will it give the bad impression to mine future clients with no feedback given on 2nd job?

Community Member

Client have 14 days for it. Lazy clients never left feedbacks or ending contracts, it happens.

No, unleavened feedback have no effect to your JSS.

Try to ask client later.

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