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Not receiving payments

My client says that he has released the funds from his end and the amount is also reflecting in my Upwork profile. 


But two weeks have passed and I haven't received any payment from Upwork. Please resolve the issue. 



Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Vibhinn,


Thank you for reaching out to us. It looks like you got paid on an hourly contract.


Please know that for all of your hourly contracts, your clients are automatically invoiced and billed for the hours you log according to the weekly billing cycle.


All applicable time that you log in your Work Diary, whether tracked or added as manual time, is invoiced to your client according to the schedule below:

  • Week 1 — You log time using the Upwork desktop app (Time Tracker)
  • Week 2 — Your time is invoiced to your client on Monday, and they have until Friday to review your work
  • Week 3 — Earnings become available on the following Wednesday



~ AJ
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