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Hi, I want to use my brother's Paypal account as a payment method since Paypal still doesn't operate in the country I live in. 

what should I do?

Community Member

Ghada Y wrote:

Hi, I want to use my brother's Paypal account as a payment method since Paypal still doesn't operate in the country I live in. 

You can't do that. You can onl use a withdrawal method in your own name.


Ghada Y wrote:

what should I do?

Use a different withdrawal method.

Community Member

Ghada Y wrote:

Hi, I want to use my brother's Paypal account as a payment method since Paypal still doesn't operate in the country I live in. 

what should I do?

So where are you? Paypal is available in Tunisia.

Jennifer R wrote:

Ghada Y wrote:

Hi, I want to use my brother's Paypal account as a payment method since Paypal still doesn't operate in the country I live in. 

what should I do?

So where are you? Paypal is available in Tunisia.

Just because PayPal is available in Tunesia does not mean it generally works well as a withdrawal method on Upwork.

Upwork dispenses funds via a certain method of PayPal payment, which is why we do not pay a receiving fee to PayPal when Upwork sends us our funds.

This method is NOT available in a lot of countries and only available in a limited capacity in many others (such as the countries of the former Yugoslavia, for example)


Also, in many countries where PayPal is available, it's pretty restricted and not as useful as in others.


Community Member

I think you can add your PayPal email address you want to be paid in, no matter if it is in your name or not. You may try this and see if it works.

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