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Percentage of Sucess not increasing

Hello Upwork Team,

My success percentage is not moving, I have completed 4 successful projects in the last week all with a 5-star rating and one with a bonus from the client too. but my percentage is not moving up. it is 96% since then.

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Syamalekha C wrote:

I would like to know why the score is very low.

Out of your 4 completed contracts, 3 went well, 1 didn't. The JSS is determined by the private feedback left. That's why your JSS is what it is.

Community Member

Hello upworkers!
I joined upwork about a month ago and did 5 small jobs worth $5-$10. My rising star badge disappeared and it was replaced by 75% JSS. That was probably because one of my clients gave me a negative feedback privately. I would like to get relevant tips and information on how I can improve my JSS as I strongly believe that because of such low JSS, I'm having a hard time attracting clients which I really need to work for inorder to boost my JSS. 


Hi Hina,


I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble connecting with clients. You may want to check out this help article to learn more about how JSS works and you can also read more tips about improving your score here.


Thank you.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

hi, I'm a little frustrated.  Explain JSS.  I have 2 5-star completed projects but my JSS is 80%.  If it is because I haven't had a project in a while that seems a little ridiculous.  

Mindy T wrote:

I have 2 5-star completed projects. 

No, you don't. You have one with 5 stars and one with 4.6, where the client deducted stars for quality and skills.


You also have to have had at least 1 or 2 more contracts that aren't showing on your profile because for a JSS you need a minimum of 4 (unless the contracts are very long term) contracts with at least 2 different clients.


Mindy T wrote:

  If it is because I haven't had a project in a while that seems a little ridiculous.  

No, it has nothing to do with that. You had less than perfect private feedback in one of your completed contracts.

Community Member

posted in the wrong place, sorry.

Community Member

Does it go down dramatically?


Thanks for the answers.

Couple of factors: The private feedback, not the stars (the 4.85 score), is what really drives the JSS. And contracts with higher dollar value count more. So since 4.85 is still a pretty good score, I wouldn't expect your JSS to drop by more than a few points, if that, unless the private feedback was poor or the contract is a very high value compared to your others. I wouldn't stress over it, especially since the client left such nice comments.

This client became toxic, and has plenty to cover up.  So, I would assume he will give very bad private feedback, with no compunctions about ethics and lying - which is one of the reasons I exited.  So, since it was a long-term gig, it may fall exponentially.  Thank you for your reply Sarah.  Appreciate the input.  He also profited in terms of having effectively no revenue when I came on, then a steady flow of monthly revenues due to me, where he was able to grow.  This is not reflected in the comments, and he privately wrote me a message on Upwork, rife with straight out lies, and fabricated, nasty, out of context commentary, designed to elicit a reply.  I blocked him, which I should have done 2 months ago, when it went south.

That's unfortunate, I'm  sorry. I think even if he tanked your private feedback, you probably wouldn't go below 90% (of course I can't see the contract values). Good luck!

Thanks Sarah.  If he were off Upwork and in the US - he probably would be sued for his comments toward women and denigration.  Thank goodness I've exited.  Lesson learned about exiting when something becomes toxic.

Sarah - and I'm certain, as he was very nasty and manipulative and imo unethical toward the last 2 months - that because the contract is one of my largest and longest- he strategically is doing this to tank my JSS.  Unfortunate but thank you for the input and comments.

Karen T wrote:

he strategically is doing this to tank my JSS.  

Unlikely, as clients don't tend to think about the JSS, and even if that was the case, you can just use your perk and be no worse off in any way. The client left good public feedback, private feedback (if poor) can be eradicated, you walked away, you blocked them... time to let it go.


The beauty of freelancing is that we can fire clients when things turn sour and put them behind us. However, to enjoy that, we need to proactively let go when we let go...


Karen T wrote:

  I didn't know about the top-rated perk

Don't, however, do anything until you have seen what (if any) negative effect the contract has. Because it is such a high value contract it could, at worst, have a significant effect, but may not have much at all, depending on the private feedback. You don't want to waste your perk without good reason as you can't use it again for another 10 contracts and at least 3 months.

Thanks Petra and helpful.  However, based on my assessment of this client, I believe that he did this purposefully and with  full strategic intent, specifically knowing the negative effect this would have on my JSS.  However I really like and agree with your advice about being a freelancer - when it goes south, move on and let it go asap. Proactively.


And I realize you're spot on -  it is a benefit of being a freelancer. To fire a client when it is no longer working.


Thanks Petra.

*IF* the contract leads to a significant drop of your JSS you can simply use your top rated perk and remove the impact of the contract from your JSS calculation. You'll know when the JSS is recalculated Sunday evening UTC.



Thank you Petra for that input.  I didn't know about the top-rated perk.. And will research and educate myself with the link you sent me.  Appreciate it.



Community Member

When I check JSS in my profile there is showing 96% but when I Check in my stats there are showing 98%. I think it's a bug. Could you please help me with this?

Please check the attachment for reference.

Your new JSS is actually 96%. It takes a while to update sitewide.



Thanks for the update!!
Community Member

I had complete five jobs before the update but why job success score not changed?

Hi Shahjeel,


I can see that your JSS is already 100%. If you're not seeing it on your end, can you try clearing your browser cache and cookies or checking with a different browser?


Thank you,

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hi, today I logged in to my profile just to see that finally, I go the Job Success Score, but I was surprised it was only 64%. I have completed 5 Jobs, 4 of them have a 5-star rating, and one doesn't have any rating but the job is completed successfully. Can someone help me find an answer to why is my Jobe Success Score this low even though I don't have any reviews under 5 stars?
Thank you.

Community Member

Hi All, 

How are you doing?


I have completed 6 jobs with 5 star feedback and 1 job was ended without any hour count or getting paid and that job is also not showing on my profile section, but now my JSS is reduced to 83%. could you please justify it?

Jeffrey Todd L wrote:

...but now my JSS is reduced to 83%. could you please justify it?

Poor private feedback on one of the contracts. Possibly the one that was cancelled.

Community Member

Hi Upwork community how are you?


Last week I completed two jobs with good feedback but my JSS improved from 80 to 81 only, my question is no response on the submitted proposal affect jss?



Hi Mudassar,


I would like to confirm that this will not affect your JSS in any way. To learn more about the factors included in your calculation, check out this Help Article. Thank you.

~ Goran
Community Member

Hi Team Upwork,


I have a query regarding my JSS. It was 100% earlier and suddenly it dropped to 92%. Nothing new has happened but I am afraid of this new change as it will surely affect my profile.


Can you please let me know what has happened and how I can improve it?


I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Thank you,


Community Member

I don't know how strictly Upwork take things when freelancers bring up questions, but then, I believe there's something we need to seriously consider:

- why should a client's private feedback negatively affect me when such a client rates me a 5 on the public feedback — why not match rate me what they truly feel about the job publicly too? Because, I've been thinking about this — trading chats and replaying our brainstorming sessions in my head to figure out where I went wrong.

Isn't it deceitful that a client would write flowery feedback publicly and then write something else privately? Should such a client's sense of judgement be fully trusted? I mean, they paid for the service, and if it was not delivered to taste, why lie publicly and say something else privately?

It doesn't help the freelancer know where things went amiss. I had a good work experience with Nathaniel. But then, I delivered a bit later than agreed, and he wouldn't rate me all 5 due to that. I felt a little pained, but I knew he was being sincere, and we're good friends to date.

Also, there's a client who rated me all 5, but then, they were poor at communicating during the project, so, I didn't rate them all 5. That's how I believe things should be, and if the JSS is manually reviewed during complaints, things like that should be looked into.

I know this is a long rant. But then, it's frustrating to work and then not even know where things went amiss.


Clients tend to be hassled by freelancers if they leave poor feedback, hence why private feedback was introduced. 

Community Member



My Job score was 84% last round and yesterdsay it jumped up to 87% and i don't know how only one job with fixed price 35$ can have the same impact like others 300$ , 200$ and 175 $


I don't know how it works but according to the documentation

(successful contract outcomes - negative contract outcomes) / total outcomes

(8-1/8) = 87%  as i know i have only one negative feedback (this means all jobs are equal in the size)


Can anybody clarify this point please , might be i'm wrong with the calcuation


Any Help ? 

Community Member

I have completed 8 jobs on Upwork until now and all have been completed successfully without any issues.


I even got a bonus for 02 of the jobs done.

Although ratings on 06 out of 08 jobs are 5 stars and 02 clients have not given any ratings but the job was successful for those 02 also.


Do unrated contracts count in -ve for job success rate?

How can I force the client to give ratings. The client liked my work he paid and left without a rating - it shouldn't be a  problem.



Can someone look at my profile and tell me what is the issue here? Why my job success rate is not 100%?




Community Member


I just wanted to know that I have completed 5 projects on upwork and I will get only 88% score. Can you please elaborate why is happenng this?

The most likely explanation is that one (or more) of your clients left poor private feedback even though their public feedback was 5 stars.

But how can I know that client had given poor feedback. Where is
partiality?. I don't think this the good way to give feedback to freelancer
and I think this portal is just for client not for freelancers.

Shailender K wrote:
But how can I know that client had given poor feedback. 

You can't. That is the whole point in private feedback.


You are asking the wrong questions. You want to ask yourself why your clients aren't happy and what you can do to choose your clients more carefully and manage your contracts in such a way that your clients are thrilled.


Happy clients don't leave poor feedback, private or otherwise.

I have provided good work to all of my clients . That is the reason I am
asking . But hidden feedback is not a good idea.
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Okay, so I freelanced for seven years, offered superior service, and never got a rating under 5.0. If I don’t deliver 5.0, I don’t charge for it, period. Today I received a 4.85 rating from a client who was ecstatic about my work, describing it as absolutely beautiful, with a tip and no revisions.


I see the client rated the deadlines as 4.0, but that makes no sense as I delivered 2 days before the deadline that the client has specified in the contract. And 100% according to what I’ve promised.

Even the text of the review confirms that I delivered a great product on time, where she praised it and among other stuff said that I was on top of my schedule...

The review goes against the evidence and the common sense. So please open a ticket for me as I’m not able to reach out. Thanks!

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