» Forums » Freelancers » Re: Dont like the new notifications section
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Previous client posted a new project

This morning I received a notification that said "Your past client posted a new job", and I'm wondering why I need to know this.  Like, what was I supposed to do with that information?   Go bug him into rehiring me?    Maybe it's me but the notification just seemed like a suggestion to either message the client or bid on the job (different niche)  even though he knows where the Re-Hire button is and clearly chose not to use it.   Also, if I were a client I'd be pretty annoyed that my new project posting was sent as an alert to previous freelancers, especially if I did not want to re-hire any of them.  


Is there something about this that I'm overlooking?  I just don't see any good coming from this alert especially with so much spamming going on.

Community Member

I wouldn't mind getting a heads-up if a previous client posted another job (I never do get these notifications, though - maybe you just need to adjust your settings?). Some of my clients have hired hundreds of freelancers over the years, so I don't really expect all of them to remember me. 

Community Member

I think this is ackshually a pretty cool feature. I've run across previous clients strictly by chance in the marketplace and they've hired me. One didn't think I would have been interested. 

Community Member

And some time client look and see you have in progress jobs and do not want to bug you.

I've just received such a notification and just thought it was a waste of time as the client is offering a totally different kind of job, so this information has no value to me.


However, I must admit that I love seeing what my old clients are up to (when I'm not too busy and have nothing better to do). I find it interesting to know what they have been doing, who they've hired, how much they've paid... I find that rather entertaining. Sometimes, I've contacted them about a job they were offering, and sometimes I've been given the job - no connects spent.

I just received a notification that "your past client has posted a job" but when I tried to view it it says "This job is private. Only freelancers invited by client can view this job." with no info who posted this job so my question is if I can't view the job and I am not even allowed to see the client name then why bother to notify me about it? It doesn't make any sense.

Hi All,


We are testing a new version of the notification page that provides freelancers with more information and appreciate the discussion about it here. I'll be sure to forward feedback you have been sharing to the team.


Khurram, thanks for flagging the situation with the private job being included in the notification. I'll check with the team on that as well. 

~ Valeria

Valeria K wrote:

Hi All,


We are testing a new version of the notification page that provides freelancers with more information and appreciate the discussion about it here. I'll be sure to forward feedback you have been sharing to the team.


Khurram, thanks for flagging the situation with the private job being included in the notification. I'll check with the team on that as well. 

Please stop testing. I get daily notifications and if a previous clients posts a job that meets my profile I find it in my job feed. I want my notifications to include information about changes in current contracts, invites, and whatever it was in the past. If I get a notification for every job posted by every client I ever had, really important notifications get burried.

Valeria K wrote:


We are testing a new version of the notification page that provides freelancers with more information and appreciate the discussion about it here. I'll be sure to forward feedback you have been sharing to the team.



Is this the same change that changed the bell to take you to the notification page directly, rather than first giving an overlay window to preview the notifications?  If so, please revert it to showing the overlay first with the "see all" link at the bottom, like it used to be.


99.9% of the time, I don't want to leave the current page to see the notifications. Just seeing the preview is enough because the notifications are rarely useful. The ones that are meaningful, I've either most likely already seen the event through other channels (invites, a contract start/end, or a payout), or I simply don't care (profile views, job closings, etc.). Now it takes a full page load to see the notifications and clear the notification marker (plus the reload of the previous page on the back arrow). 





That sounds cool as long as you can enable/disable them. 

It might also be useful to disable notifications for certain clients, especially if they hire a lot on here. Will there be an option to disable certain clients?

I'm also assuming notifications are only sent if the job they just ad relates to your field? 

When are you going to start alerts everytime a client posts a job?

I don't like this. If a client would want me to work with them again, they would ask before posting a job. Or they post something irrelevant.

I noticed recently when I click on the Notify icon, it now takes me to a new page with just a message like no notifications found. This action used to just show a little popup at the icon with the messages. I really don't like going to a new page just to find out a simple message.


Does this action work the same way for everyone or is just me?

Hi Robert,


I've merged your post into this thread with a discussion about the new notification page we're testing. I'll be forwarding feedback you and Wes provided about the new page replacing the drop down along with feedback and suggestions others shared on this thread to the team.


~ Valeria

I am not sure I am ok with the movement. Now the topic you put me under is


Previous client posted a new project


which has nothing to do with my post. You basically highjacked my post without asking.



If I apply to a job that shows a previous client tag. Am I going to be recommended to the client by Upwork showing something previously worked or something so the client can also know that? Thanks


Ahmed Yar

Would you please put my thread back where it was? It was inappropriate to change my subject and now hides the comments relative to notification popup that has been changed.

I just noticed this today and thought I'd share it to point out how much I avoid going to the new separate notification page.  Please bring back the old experience of showing the notifications in a dropdown. Thanks!



I entered to my account and I saw like "new message" over the notification section, I clicked it and it did open a new page section, so much time consuming, and looks like something really important, disgracefull, its' no important in the least that "your proposal has been archived". In fact I like the old notification section the orange point with the dropdown. Now it will confound me as if I've something important and it's not, so much time consuming opening a new page for that. Please do is as always was. Please escalate it to the product team. thank you!

Hi Carlos, 


Thank you for your feedback. I'll be sure to share this with the rest of the team for consideration. 

~ Joanne

Hi Joanne,

Is there a way to disable the "Your past client posted a new job" noticifation only? All the notifications I've received been job postings which are not in my niche. Plus, the dropdown notifications menu was nice, now it directs to the notification page when I click on the "bell" symbol (dropdown appears only on the notification page). Would you bring the dropdown notifications back on other pages please?

Kind regards,

Hi Oytun,


Unfortunately no. However, thank you for your feedback I will share it with our team.

~ Goran

I don't like the new UX for the notification bell.

I prefer the previous pop-out/drop-down design than this one where it opens as a new page each time you click the notification icon.


That is a button we click often and not because we really want to know what is there, but to just clear it. To have to open a page each time is really a pain, especially with the numerous notifications for jobs we never flagged.

Give us the former design.

Agree with everyone else on this feature that displays the number of new notifications. I don’t mind a reminder there are notifications but having to navigate to a new page to see the notification instead of in a dropdown is quite inconvenient
"No good deed goes unpunished." -- Clare Boothe Luce
Community Member

I've gotten a notification like this once or twice and sent off a message that just says "Is this something I can help with?" and ended up with the gig without further discussion.


At the opposite end of the spectrum, I've seen those alerts and been glad it was called to my attention because it was a client I definitely didn't want to work with again and might otherwise have bid without noticing. 

Tiffany S wrote:

At the opposite end of the spectrum, I've seen those alerts and been glad it was called to my attention because it was a client I definitely didn't want to work with again and might otherwise have bid without noticing. 

YES!! On a number of occasions I've idly looked at a job post, seen the "previous client" think, clicked on the link and thought "HELL NO!" before hotfooting it out of there.


I've only had 2 or 3 clients who were a pain to work with, but I do appreciate Upwork making sure I don't accidentally work with them again!

These notifications are so annoying, could Upwork please stop sending them?


When we open the notification and find out that a client has posted an offer for a job that has nothing to do with our skills, what on earth are we supposed to do? Send Upwork a message thanking them for wasting our time?

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