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I do not want to display my city on my profile, how can i change this? Provine and country is ok, but city is a little too close to home.

Community Member

Samantha S wrote:

I do not want to display my city on my profile, how can i change this? Provine and country is ok, but city is a little too close to home.

Your City and Country are displayed in profile. You cannot hide your City.

Good to know. Thanks
Community Member

You may be confused about the purpose of Upwork.

Its purpose is NOT to provide freelancers with privacy.

Freelancers use this site to promote themselves to a worldwide audience.

So the purpose of the site is essentially the opposite of privacy.


Upwork does not offer freelancers the opportunity to hide their city, but if you are interested, you can look into the general privacy settings that Upwork offers. But keep in mind, if you apply to a client's job posting, that client can see everything on your profile page, including the name of the city that you live in. There is no such thing as "using Upwork as a freelancer" and "completely preventing my information from being on the Internet." These are mutually exclusive concepts.

By the way, I live in Tempe.

I only asked to remove the city. Not full location.

Samantha S wrote:
I only asked to remove the city. Not full location.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to remove a city;

I agree country and state are fine but city is a bit much.

Actually, it's you who seems to be confused about the purpose of the site. The purpose is to provide freelancers and clients a way of contacting one another. City location is totally irrelevant in the age of digital freelancing and work from home. For those of use who may lack the privelege of displaying personal info all over the internet, privacy is an important factor in deciding which sites we use. Nobody cares that you live in Tempe.

Community Member

Maria D wrote:

Actually, it's you who seems to be confused about the purpose of the site.

In this instance, it isn't.

As far as the terms of service are concerned, all your info must be true and accurate. That includes your location. You can't choose to not provide accurate info on this platform if you wish to keep your account.

You also must use an actual verifiable photo of yourself as your profile picture.

Community Member

There is absolutely no reason anyone needs to know what city someone lives in and I don't feel that putting people's lives in potential danger is necessary to do remote work. Upwork would need to know this data but everyone that can look at an Upwork profile? That isn't making sense and at no time would it make sense. It's very disappointing to create an account only to realize I need to delete it immediately - I don't tell people online where I live, lol; there are reasonable expectations and this is not one.  

Arielle: When you realized that Upwork does not fit your needs, you made the correct choice to not use it.


Upwork requires that freelancer profiles display the city that they live in.

Other sites do not.

So all you need to do is find the site that works best for you.

re: "For those of use who may lack the privelege of displaying personal info all over the internet, privacy is an important factor in deciding which sites we use."


Then, by definition, such a person would avoid using Upwork.


Upwork is one of the most non-private freelance work platforms. A freelancer who wants to avoid presenting their photo or location (city) would decide to use other platforms.

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