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Profile Views

Hello Everyone!

Can anybody tell me, how can I Know about my profile is being viewed by clients?... "My stats" is showing "less often". what does it mean? does someone is viewing or nobody view my profile yet. Please clear this to me.





Hi Asad,


The bar that you mentioned shows you the information about how likely your profile is viewed by clients. The green bar gives you a general overview of how often you are viewed. The screenshot you shared shows that it is close to half. 

~ Joanne

View solution in original post


Hi Asad,


The profile view count gives you information about clients who have viewed your profile. Please know that this information only counts profile views from search results and not those who viewed your profile when you submit proposals. You can read this help article to learn more. 

~ Joanne
Community Member

@ Jaonne Marie, Thanks 

Can you please guide about the attached picture, in which I marked the bar/graph, what this bar tells us? about which profile views it is indicating?

Hi Asad,


The bar that you mentioned shows you the information about how likely your profile is viewed by clients. The green bar gives you a general overview of how often you are viewed. The screenshot you shared shows that it is close to half. 

~ Joanne
Community Member

Thanks.. Means I am on the right way! 🙂


Thanks again.

Hello Joanne,

Can you give me some suggestions regarding Peroposle's submission to viewed rate? 

For Example, 76 total proposals

In the last 30 days


In the last 30 days

What can I do to get more people engaged with my Proposals?


Muhammad Aamir. 

Hi Muhammad,


Thank you for your message. Arjay here stepping in for Joanne.  Profile views are the number of distinct people who visited your profile. This report also shows if your availability badge was on or off each day and how many Connects you used on the availability badge.


I've pulled a few resources that may be helpful to you. Check out these articles to help you create a profile that stands out and improve your profile title and overview. For some great tips on writing proposals that win jobs, check out this article.


~ Arjay
Community Member

I have also faced this issue when I make my account my profile view is almost 172+ now 0 how to improve this

one more of my friend upwork  acount show 

Top Rated eligible weeks 13 OF 16
and in my accoun Top Rated eligible weeks 0 of 16
kindly help me is this issue to find more projects

If I got 3 views on profile then should I consider 3 views from 3 different clients or they can be from single client who visited my profile 3 times?

Community Member

Hello!I wanted to share some insights regarding my profile visibility. The bar that shows the likelihood of my profile being viewed by clients indicates that I have moderate visibility. The green bar is close to halfway, suggesting that my profile is being viewed fairly often, but there's still room for improvement to reach more potential clients.Best regards,
Chernet Habtu

I am facing same situation

Hi Afzal,


Could please clarify your concern in detail and confirm if the answer posted by Joanne addressed your situation? If not, I will be happy to look into this further once we have more information.


Thank you.

Pradeep H.

Community Member

Hi Pradeep,


Joanne's answer is not clear to me. 

My profile is private, which means clients cannot find my profile by search. However, sometimes my number of profile views is larger than 0, and I thought it is from those to whom I have submitted my proposals.


Could you shed some light on this? 

Thank you!

Hi Nga,


We'll have one of our agents reach out to you directly via a support ticket to investigate this further.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Good Morning, 

Is there a way to increase and maintain profile views? Also, I went from receiving 4-5 invitations to interview a week for several months to zero the past few weeks. Does Upwork rotate freelancer visibility? 

Thank you


Sarah H wrote:

Good Morning, 

Is there a way to increase and maintain profile views? Also, I went from receiving 4-5 invitations to interview a week for several months to zero the past few weeks. Does Upwork rotate freelancer visibility? 

Thank you


Yes, profiles are rotated regularly. 

You are right Sarah.

Have you checked the profile visibility on UpWork?

I think this article will help you with this.


Community Member

Hello dear, please am new on Upwork. I kinda need your help okay?

Community Member

I am facing a problem, As I get to see that there is 0 view on my profile for several months and this what how hard I try I can't get any jobs or projects,


what can I do in this situation? 


Labonnya Hossain  

Hi Labonnya,

Have you checked the profile visibility on UpWork?

I think this article will help you with this.


No, my profile is public still get 0 views and I submit more than 60 proposals untill today ?!

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