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Profile link not clickable

Dear Community Members,
Recently I've notice that profile text of many freelancers is not clickable, they're working, getting paid and even grapping new jobs too, but if we click on their profile name (that ususally redirect to their profile), is not clickable. For example, normally my name under a contract or even if the contract is closed and feedback provided is displays like this: 


which has green text color and is hyperlinked to my profile so that whoever clicks on it, they will be redirected to my profile, but some fellow freelances don't have this green color text instead their text color is black but still they're getting jobs, and working on projects and there's no hyperlink to their profie. 

I want to known if this is a feature of Upwork or some kind of Paid Membership plan that allows freelancers to work like this, so that I can avail this feature too. 



Hi Mehran,


Thank you for your message. Apologies for the delay in responding to your previous message. I have checked the details and I would like to confirm that if the freelancer has set their profile visibility is set to Private, there will be no option to click on the name of the freelancer or access their profile.


Thank you,



View solution in original post


Hi Mehran,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Have you tried clearing your browser’s cookies or using a different browser? If the issue still persists, could you please share the following information so that we can forward it to our team to be investigated further?

  • Browser/s used
  • Browser version
  • Machine’s OS
  • Machine’s OS version
  • Screengrab of the issue
  • Additional details that may help us/the team investigate your concern better

Please also take note of these freelancers if the issue persists so we can ask you for the names, where on Upwork's site the issue is occurring, etc.

~ AJ

Hi Annie,
Thank you for your response. Yes, I've cleared my cookies caches etc all. Here's the details you asked:
1. Goggle Chrome
2. Version 111.0.5563.65 (Official Build) (64-bit)

3. Windows 10 Pro
4. OS version: 21H2
5. Screengrab is attached here:


Additional Details:
As you can see in the above screengrab, this fellow freelancer's name (Job in progress) is in "Black Text" without any hyperlink, which means if we click on his name i.e. "Masud P." it won't take a client to his profile.
On the other hand, at the bottom, "Ferhad S." is highlighted in "Green Text" which means if a client clicks on his name, he will be redirected to his profile.
My question:
I want to ask if this is also one of Upwork's Perk for freelancers or is it just a bug or error. 

Community Member

Hi Annie,
I'm still waiting for a reply of this topic. Need to know if this is a perk or some kind of Upwork Freelancer Plus feature? 
Many Thanks


Hi Mehran,


Thank you for your message. Apologies for the delay in responding to your previous message. I have checked the details and I would like to confirm that if the freelancer has set their profile visibility is set to Private, there will be no option to click on the name of the freelancer or access their profile.


Thank you,


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