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Project SEO

Hello guys, I'm new to Upwork. I was wondering how the Upwork project search algorithm works. I mean by that, How does Upwork find the best project gig when someone searches any keyword like "java developer"? It would be helpful if gimme some advice on how to rearrange any project gig or write a description or title so that that project gets the highest impression.


I've seen that most of the job is done by the top-rated seller, then how the new seller will get work? Any advice will be appreciated.


Community Member

Hi Rubel,


Thank you for your message. Could you please try adjusting your feed by running searches, applying filters, using the advanced search option, and saving your search to your feed? Feel free to check out this help article and this one too for more information on how you can perform searches, save them to your feed, and improve the results you see.


~ Arjay
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