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Proposal Template - 10,000 Proposals Submitted

Yes, I have submitted 10,000 Proposals in the last 12 Years...


Hey Everyone, I have been doing my best to help as many people as I can,


I see a common trend, when you have your profile in a good place, the next big things which you need to do are: 


1. Search Upwork for the job types which are relevant to you. for example, my keywords are: 


  • Google ads
  • Google adwords
  • PPC
  • Pay Per Click
  • Adwords

Note - I have a lot more that I can search for but the above are my "core keywords".


2. From there, you need to have a good proposal template, this is super important, BUT... Let me tell you.


  • Read the job post quickly
  • Address the client by name if possible (in the intro)
  • Tell the client how you can help them, mention their challenge / project / issue and how you can help
  • Put any other additional details about the job here (do not get to wordy or make it to long, that does not work)
  • Any additional details you think are needed, keep it short
  • Than ask for the call, ask for the meeting. This is KEY and what most people fail to do!

From there, the rest of your proposal can be a template:


  • Your accomplishments
  • Your skill set
  • Your history / feedback
  • Additional details

Quick Example of how to keep it simple: 


Hey Bob,


My name is Samer Bazzi and I had a quick look at your project, I can see you have been struggling to scale up your PPC account with Google. Good news, I have been working with Google Ads for the past 16+ Years. I have worked with dozens of clients who had the same issue and I was able to help the majority of them scale, and not only scale, but I also helped make the profitable! I would love to get on a Zoom call here on Upwork to go through your requirement, excited to connect : )


Now, you will go on and past your template details which I listed above.


I have a question for most of you, If I created a small course about this (for free), would it be helpful for you all?


Feel free to put your proposal template here and I can give you feedback,


I hope this will help everyone!

Community Member

Feel free to add your proposal here, I can have a look and give you some feedback.

Thanks Samer. Kindly peruse the two proposals (attached). I wouldn;t mind if others can as well learn from my subtle errors. With over 20,000 very successful postings, I consider you a big success  viz online content writing. So the ball is now in your court. Kindly assist others like myself. And as a saying goes: 'Where there is a will, there is a way." (n.a.)

Hey David, I had a quick look,


The posts are way to long. Keep it simple. No one wants to read all of that, even if you wrote it perfectly.

I have read your job post I can do it please contact me and give me the details of the custom event you want to do

I am a bit busy at this time.

I think that was his sample proposal, which is very convincing, proven 😂

its not perfect. but as an example, it has worked really well.

Community Member

Let me comment on yours?


This might be too generic. It doesn't show that you really read the job post (depends on the actual job post actually). Client might think that it's copypasted or even comes from a bot.


I thought clients skip these kind of proposals, but apparently not. So not recommended, but it doesn't mean you can't get a client with it 😁

That is why, its best to address the client by name, also mention the "ask" and than introduce your self and how you can help solve the problem they are having. Yes, you may need to submit 100 prpopsals to get 10 people to reply and out of those 10, you may only get 2-3 jobs, this is the new reality...

It's impossible to send 100 proposals with the new pricing of connects. I have spent so much money on Connects it's depressing to see I have nothing to show for it. 


Also, some may be less, 4 connects, 8 connects. etc. So if I would have to estimate, 100 would be $200 total

Hello Sir,

Kindly review my proposal sample and give me suggestion.




“Hi there – I am exciting to see your project!” I am Post graduate in Chemistry and if you assigned me a project to make, I will give you my best to fulfill your expectations. It's important to me to build long term relationships with clients, so I will try to provide the quality work always. I am pretty flexible with respect to working hours to meet your expectations!


Here are the services I offer you;

Copy Pasting & typing

Manual Typing/ Data Entry

Data entry from scanned files

PDF to Excel data entry

Image to MS Excel/Word

Web research on different topics

Data processing

Document Management

Typing in Excel/Word.


Kindly have a look into the attached files of my previous work.

Finally, I am at your disposal for an interview. Feel free to get in touch!



Waseem Jahangir


Muhammad Waseem jahangir

Personally, I would get away from "I am excited to see your project"...


Let me take a quick look at it:


“Hi there - I am exciting to see your project!” I am Post graduate in Chemistry and if you assigned me a project to make, I will give you my best to fulfill your expectations. It's important to me to build long term relationships with clients, so I will try to provide the quality work always. I am pretty flexible with respect to working hours to meet your expectations!


Samer = Hi Joe, Mo here! Expert Chemist. I provide quality, on time work! I am flexible and can work with deadlines.


Here are the services I offer you;

Copy Pasting & typing

Manual Typing/ Data Entry

Data entry from scanned files

PDF to Excel data entry

Image to MS Excel/Word

Web research on different topics

Data processing

Document Management

Typing in Excel/Word.


Some of the services I offer are listed below:


  • Copy Pasting & typing
  • Manual Typing/ Data Entry
  • Data entry from scanned files
  • PDF to Excel data entry
  • Image to MS Excel/Word
  • Web research on different topics
  • Data processing
  • Document Management
  • Typing in Excel/Word.

Kindly have a look into the attached files of my previous work.


Samer = Looking forward to hearing back : )


Finally, I am at your disposal for an interview. Feel free to get in touch!


Thank You - Mo



Waseem Jahangir


Muhammad Waseem jahangir

Here's what I can offer you:

• A well-researched and engaging blog post of 1000 words on the topic of meditation benefits

• A catchy headline and subheadings that will attract readers' attention and keep them hooked

• A clear and concise introduction that will explain the main points and benefits of the post

I appreciate it.

Thank you!


Community Member

Samer, Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the proposal strategy or template. 


Usually, it is said that the first two lines of the proposal are important as the client can see those two lines without opening the proposal, and if he finds those two lines interesting he may click on the proposal for more details. And I have been following this advice. 


I do not see this mentioned anywhere in your strategy plus in your samples on the first line you just have the greetings and the second line is blank your proposal actually starts to form the 3rd line. Is this on purpose so the client has to click to read more or what is your take on making the first two lines more interesting or addressing the core of the job? 


My usual style is, I try to address and present my solution in the first two lines and the next paragraph is a greeting and my intro, sounds weird right? The greetings come second in my proposals. 


Love to hear your thoughts...

Hey Ashraf,


Great Points! I will answer each of the items below:


Samer, Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the proposal strategy or template.


Samer = My Pleasure


Usually, it is said that the first two lines of the proposal are important as the client can see those two lines without opening the proposal, and if he finds those two lines interesting he may click on the proposal for more details. And I have been following this advice.


Samer = I write ads / email subject lines and so on daily. You want to put just enough to get someone to get excited but not to much where it does not get lure them to open. That is the key, keep it simple but make it so they are excited or curious enough to open the proposal.


I do not see this mentioned anywhere in your strategy plus in your samples on the first line you just have the greetings and the second line is blank your proposal actually starts to form the 3rd line. Is this on purpose so the client has to click to read more or what is your take on making the first two lines more interesting or addressing the core of the job?


Samer = Unless you have something earth shattering to say, I would start with an intro + enough to get them excited but you don't want to give them the entire answer on there.


My usual style is, I try to address and present my solution in the first two lines and the next paragraph is a greeting and my intro, sounds weird right? The greetings come second in my proposals.


Personally, I like to go with the opposite unless someone is asking for "I want the BEST PPC marketer". Than I will start my proposal with "I am the Best PPC Marketer, no reason to waste any more time..."


It really depends on the job, if its more of a generic job post than start with an intro that is simple and clean with enough to lure them in but if its a job where they ask something specific, than answer that at the start. It depends.

Samer B wrote:

I do not see this mentioned anywhere in your strategy plus in your samples on the first line you just have the greetings and the second line is blank your proposal actually starts to form the 3rd line. Is this on purpose so the client has to click to read more or what is your take on making the first two lines more interesting or addressing the core of the job?


Samer = Unless you have something earth shattering to say, I would start with an intro + enough to get them excited but you don't want to give them the entire answer on there.


Why would it get a client excited to read, "Hi, My name is... I had a look at your project"? I've heard other successful freelancers say that you're wasting those valuable first two lines by introducing yourself, since the client can already see your name.

It really depends, if the client says "I want the best", if the client says "Looking to increase by X%" than sure, you can put that in the intro, but when its a generic post like "i need a writer" than I would do a quick intro and let it cut off with trying to get their attention. For example:


1. Client 1 = I need a writer


Example = HI Joe, My name is Samer. I have been a writer for XX years. You want to


2. Client 2 = I need a B2B writer


Example = Hi Joe, My name is Samer, I have written 200+ B2B articles in the last 6 Months.


3. Client 3 = I need the best writer.


Example = Hi Joe,I am the best writer around. My name is Samer and I have been writeing for 10 years, etc...

Great idea. Thanks Samer. As a new freelancer. It will help me.

Feel free to send your proposal here. I can have a look

Hello, please review my proposal. i am new to Upwork. I sent several proposals for Jobs, round 60 from last 30 days but no positive response.
Please Advise me. Thanks

Here the proposal:
Proposal #1

Dear Sir/Madam,


 I am a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and have certifications from Institute of Management Accountant of America, also QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor. I have an excellent knowledge of US GAAP.


I have more than 9 years of working experience in QuickBooks WAVE and Excel. I am proficient in payroll processing with QBO, Zenfits, and ADP with expertise in advanced excel power query and dashboard reporting.


I am capable to execute the following tasks using multiple accounting softwares, including, but not limited to QuickBooks, Excel and XERO:



1-Chart of Accounts as per Business Requirements


3-Creation of Item; Inventory Part, Non-Inventory Part, Services etc.

4-Account Payable Management

5-Creation of Bills

6-Pay Bills

7-Account Receivable Management

 8-Creation of Invoices

 9-Receive Payment

10-Sales Receipts

11-Credit Memos / Refund Receipts

12-Bank Reconciliation

13-Generating Financial Reports

14-Profit & Loss by Class

15-Profit & Loss by Rep


I am an extremely detailed oriented, experienced and motivated individual who knows the importance of providing the best quality services to his clients; not just to earn, rather to develop long-term mutually professional relationships to increase his clientele from around the globe.




Proposal #2



I have been referred to this job by my colleague and a fellow Upworker Muhammad Khalid.


I am a qualified CPA accountant and have more than 9 years of working experience in tax, bookkeeping, and accounting.


I’d love to offer you my superlative accounting and bookkeeping services! I am also a certified Xero Advisor and service clients in the U.S., Canada, and Australia.


I have Top Rated CPA’s level of experience, but I’m much more affordable. I do more and give more to every client!


However, building good relationships and providing quality work is always my main objective. Servicing startup companies, solo entrepreneurs, medium and large size businesses.


I am expert in almost all online marketplaces like Shopify, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, buy.com, new egg, Walmart, Bonanza.com and website sales as well. I know working with PayPal, authorize.net, first data, Mreports, stripe as well.




Quick Note, move away from the "Sir/Maddam". That is one thing that I always pass up, do this


Good Morning Joe (if no name is mentioned, you can simply say "Good Day" or "Hi there"


I am a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and have certifications from Institute of Management Accountant of America, also QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor. I have an excellent knowledge of US GAAP.


Good Morning Joe. I am a certified Quickbooks ProAdvisor. I specialize in helping clients with the following:









than close out with a call to action. "I would love to jump on a call and discuss your specific needs"



Hello, Samer please look at my proposal:


"Hello Freelancers, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently in search of a web developer for my portfolio website. I am eager to explore your creative ideas and pricing, and I'd appreciate it if you could share how you plan to create an engaging and creative portfolio website for game developer. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you."

Cover Letter

Greeting, Samer Could you please provide some examples of game developer portfolio websites that you find engaging and creative? I would love to incorporate similar elements into your own portfolio website. Additionally, could you share any specific features or functionalities that you would like to see in your website?

I have experience in creating visually appealing and user-friendly portfolio websites for various industries, and I would be thrilled to collaborate with you on this project.

Here is my portfolio: ..........

Let’s discuss your requirements further and create a stunning showcase for your game development work.

Best Regard
Arslan Khan


Ashraf K wrote:

the second line is blank

This actually boggled my mind so I often play it safe by making sure to enter a long sentence for the first 2 lines. No line breaks.


But most likely Upwork think about this and do something to make sure no blank lines appear in the 2 lines snippet. Can anyone confirm?

Feel free to combine and make one line, my proposal is just an "Example" For example:


Hey Bob. My name is Samer Bazzi and I had a quick look at your project, I can see you have been struggling to scale up your PPC account with Google. Good news, I have been working with Google Ads for the past 16+ Years.

No blank lines appear, the empty space is tranctuated. No need for one long sentence, which might be looking strange to clients. 

Thank You for confirming!

I agree, its odd when you have them all bundled together, appreciate the feedback always!

Community Member


Thanks Samer. Your proposed Course -- even if you were to charge something small for it  -- would go along way in assisting struggling newcomers to Online Content Writing like myself. I began shopping for Content Writing work, here, last month. However, after my 18 successful postings on Upwork, I am yet to win the confidence of a needy client! All previous writing work I have been attaching [as evidence that I have written traditionally before, that is all are non-online kind of writing!). Maybe many of my would-be clients regard my "previous work experience (evidence) as "old fashioned". This is rather worrisome to me since I consider myself having the right talent for online content writing. Any more advice, specifically for me and others in my current “writing” situation, please?

Hey David, I am sorry to hear that! Keep going, keep submitting proposals!

Did you look at any of the available free resources here?  Courses - Upwork Community

They do have a bit. I have looked at them all. Its real world testing that works beest.

Community Member

Hi Samer, 

I must confess, your proposal template is good. 

Please can we connect? I will like to connect with you on a personal note. I will appreciate if I can get your email. 

Hey Odey, the "template" is just an example. I will add you to my network.

Hi Samer Please add me to you network

Community Member

This all depends on the Job Post. use the first part to address, if generic, be generic, if specific, be specific.

Community Member

Hello, please review my proposal. i am new to Upwork. I sent several proposals for Jobs, round 60 from last 30 days but no positive response.
Please Advise me. Thanks

Here the proposal:
Proposal #1

Dear Sir/Madam,


 I am a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and have certifications from Institute of Management Accountant of America, also QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor. I have an excellent knowledge of US GAAP.


I have more than 9 years of working experience in QuickBooks WAVE and Excel. I am proficient in payroll processing with QBO, Zenfits, and ADP with expertise in advanced excel power query and dashboard reporting.


I am capable to execute the following tasks using multiple accounting softwares, including, but not limited to QuickBooks, Excel and XERO:



1-Chart of Accounts as per Business Requirements


3-Creation of Item; Inventory Part, Non-Inventory Part, Services etc.

4-Account Payable Management

5-Creation of Bills

6-Pay Bills

7-Account Receivable Management

 8-Creation of Invoices

 9-Receive Payment

10-Sales Receipts

11-Credit Memos / Refund Receipts

12-Bank Reconciliation

13-Generating Financial Reports

14-Profit & Loss by Class

15-Profit & Loss by Rep


I am an extremely detailed oriented, experienced and motivated individual who knows the importance of providing the best quality services to his clients; not just to earn, rather to develop long-term mutually professional relationships to increase his clientele from around the globe.




Proposal #2



I have been referred to this job by my colleague and a fellow Upworker Muhammad Khalid.


I am a qualified CPA accountant and have more than 9 years of working experience in tax, bookkeeping, and accounting.


I’d love to offer you my superlative accounting and bookkeeping services! I am also a certified Xero Advisor and service clients in the U.S., Canada, and Australia.


I have Top Rated CPA’s level of experience, but I’m much more affordable. I do more and give more to every client!


However, building good relationships and providing quality work is always my main objective. Servicing startup companies, solo entrepreneurs, medium and large size businesses.


I am expert in almost all online marketplaces like Shopify, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, buy.com, new egg, Walmart, Bonanza.com and website sales as well. I know working with PayPal, authorize.net, first data, Mreports, stripe as well.





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