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Ahsan's avatar
Ahsan I Community Member

Re: How Do I Verify Covering Letter?

Hi, about three weeks ago my client hired me on hourly rate to find three brands and open account with them i worked alot on this even i worked without timer now he has three to four brands ready to open account with him, but he filed a dispute that i didt deliver what i committed and he doest want to pay me my last week earning which is only $119 and according to the work diary i worked 95% of the time on his task, Now he want me to refund. What should i do? Either i should refund him or go with the dispute, I have screenshots of brands offering accounts to him Thanks.

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Ahsan I wrote:

Hi, about three weeks ago my client hired me on hourly rate to find Now he want me to refund. What should i do? Either i should refund him or go with the dispute, 

Did you use the Upwork time tracker? If not, you have no protection at all.

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi Ahsan,


I'm sorry to hear your client is disputing your hours. I checked your account and it looks like you are yet to respond to this dispute. You can choose to reject or accept the dispute, but it is important that you respond. If you don't respond within 3 business days your client will be refunded for all of the disputed hours. Please see these help articles for more information on the Dispute process and Hourly Protection.



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