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New update?? Message read status

Maybe it's been there for a while and I just didn't notice (very subtle and small text, easy to miss) but today I noticed "Read on day x" or "Read yesterday" statuses below my messages. I assume clients see these too.. Can this be turned off? Super intrusive..  I also wonder if I get the notifications on the mobile app, or the desktop app, does it count as read? Because in that case I'll just uninstall them asap.

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Community Manager

Hi all, 


Thank you for sharing your experience with this feature. As some of you have pointed out, you're not seeing the option to turn Read Receipts off in your Settings. We've checked with the team and can confirm this is part of the experience for this Beta. If you're part of the Beta, you will see the option to turn it off in your Settings. However, if you are in a room with another user who is part of the Beta while you are not, you will be shown the experience but will not have the ability to turn it off. 


We understand it is important to all of you to have control over this feature, which is why, once it is fully rolled out, the ability to turn it off will be available to all parties. Apologies for the confusion while we were confirming this.



View solution in original post

Community Member

I have no such messages at site and desktop app as well.

Hello, I have not read the receipt option on my profile but only on some of my client's chats. Is this normal? I can only see on some of the chat if the client has read or received the answer, but some of the other options are unavailable. Please let me know if there is a way to turn this option on for all of the accounts. Attached, you will find two different screenshots of two different profiles; one got the read receipt, and the other didn't.


Hi Angela,


I’d like to confirm that Read Receipts are only enabled if everyone in the conversation has the option turned on. To manage your notifications you can go to your Settings. I can also confirm that the mobile app is currently not included in this experience.

~ Luiggi

Hi everyone,


recently I noticed that there is a system which shows whether the client read the message or not. and I saw on other desktop and mobile app also, but it doesn't show on my pc. why is that? or is there any way to enable and disable it?



Hi Fenet!

It sounds like you’re referring to a recent update on Upwork. The system that shows whether a client has read your message is part of Upwork’s latest features aimed at improving communication transparency. Sometimes, these updates roll out gradually, so it might not appear on all devices at once.

To ensure you have access to the latest features, make sure your Upwork app and browser are updated to the latest version. If the issue persists, checking with Upwork support might provide more specific details or solutions. Hope this helps!


Community Member

Yes, I’ve seen this too.  Unfortunately, there's no way to turn it off for now.

Community Member

This is a very good Update.
At least now one can tell when clients have read your message. Some clients are very sneaky, always on invisible mode and "hiding" as tho it isnt obvious they are online. This is a very good update to indicate they have read messages and I hope it is fully activated.


Hi Tamas and Puneet,

I’d like to confirm that Read Receipts are only enabled if everyone in the conversation has the option turned on. To manage your notifications you can go to your Settings. I can also confirm that the mobile app is currently not included in this experience.


If you don't see the feature in your messages or settings, it means that it's not currently available to you. Please know that this is a Beta feature and so is not available to all users at this time.

Community Member

Hi Ronna, can you specify which exactly is the option? I can't find it... I have all notifications turned on, but I don't see this in any of my messages, unless my clients have it turned off... but I would like to confirm that it is turned on for me.

Or maybe provide a screenshot of what it looks like? Thanks!

Thank you for following up, Paula Andrea.


I am stepping in for Ronna. We will look into this further and will get back to you once we have more information.


Edited for more information:


If you don't see the feature in your messages or settings it means that it's currently not available to you. Please know this is a Beta feature and so is not available to all users at this time.



Thank you

Community Member

Hi Ronna,

I've looked all through my settings and see no way to turn them off. No reference to "read receipts" at all. I know they're on, as my last message to my client says "read." I did not opt in. How do I turn them off? Where in Settings is the option located? Thanks,


Yup no option to turn them off for me  either.

Hello Taylor,


This is currently being applied to some selected accounts that are part of the test. If you are part of the test, you will receive a pop-up update of the Read Receipts Beta where you will be informed that it has been turned on for the test and provides info on where to turn it off in Settings. However, if you are not part of the test but are in a room with a client or a freelancer who opts in as part of the test, then the feature will be on, but you won't have the option to switch it off.



Apparently, I fall into the latter category. Seems like a bad idea if only one party has to opt in for read receipts to go into effect for both parties. How long will this "test" last?

Community Member

There is no such option. I have many clients. I don't even know if they read my message or not.

Community Member

Hi Upwork,


I know there is an update of delivered and seen status on Upwork messages but these messages status not showing on my messages. Please resolve this issue for me. I will be very thankful.



Taram N.

Hi Taram,


If you don't see the feature in your messages or settings, it means that it's not currently available to you. Please know that this is a Beta feature and so is not available to all users at this time.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hi all,


Just saw a notice that read receipts is a thing again. Am I correct in understanding this?


"At this time, read receipts cannot be turned off"


Are you kidding me??? So, no matter what time of day your client bugs you, or how insignificant their issue is, you can no longer stall in answering without getting on their bad side. What a terrible idea this is. 😞

It is freelance. Maybe office works with fixed hours will be better for you?

Or just inform client that you available only from XX to YY.

Hi Michelle,


Read Receipts is currently a feature being tested. This is currently being applied to some selected accounts that is part of the test. If you are part of the test, you will receive a pop up update of the Read Receipts Beta where you will be informed that it has been turned on for the test and provides an info where to turn it off in Setting. However, if you are not part of the test but is in a room with a client or a freelancer who opt in as part of the test, then the feature will be on, but you won't have the option to switch it off.

~ Joanne
Community Member

Hi JoanneP, 

Thanks for this info and I actually just got a pop update but I wasn't able to read it clearly if there's an instruction given on how to turn it off (my fault!) 😄

This is a great feature as I desperately need to know when a client reads my message, but yes I'd agree that it should have an option to turn it off as well because sometimes I read messages but I don't respond right away especially when I'm busy or on a call. 

Hey Michelle - as a "client" I really, really appreciate knowing it's read (especially when I can see my contractor is online), BUT I also have expectations set with my contractors that reading it only means it's assurance it's on their radar but does not mean they need to respond/react right away (unless it's an emergency). Train your clients 😉 

Community Member

I have email notifications.  I did absentmindedly open a read receipt message on the platform last night, and instantly regretted it.  If you have email notification activated, I believe you can see the message without triggering the read receipt.

Community Member

how can I turn on notifications to enable me to see when my client has read my messages? 

Hi Elizabeth,


To manage your notifications you can go to your Settings. I can also confirm that the mobile app is currently not included in this experience.


If you don't see the feature in your messages or settings, it means that it's not currently available to you. Please know that this is a Beta feature and so is not available to all users at this time.

~ Joanne
Community Member

How do I turn off read receipts? This feature being forced is very invasive. It's obviously fine if people want to use it, but like any non-essential setting, it shouldn't be forced on the user.


As part of my workflow, I reply to all of my messages 2-3x a day, usually morning, mid-afternoon, and late evening, but I take note of the messages I receive throughout the day and respond to clients after I've had a chance to gather necessary resources and have time for a conversation. If a client messages me late at night, I often read it in the evening, take mental note, and respond when I am at my desk the next day.


Now I have a client messaging me every time I read his message which is very annoying, and makes me look unprofessional even though I am not ignoring the client - just taking my time to ensure my response is correct and professional. I suspect I am not the only one having this problem. 


I want to turn this unthoughtful feature off. Please help me learn how. 

Thank you for reaching out, Mary Alice.


We appreciate your feedback on this feature. I checked your account and saw that this feature is not yet available on your end. Please know that this is a Beta feature and so is not available to all users at this time.


I’d also like to confirm that Read Receipts are only enabled if everyone in the conversation has the option turned on. To manage your notifications you can go to your Settings. I can also confirm that the mobile app is not included in this experience.



Ivygail, can you be more specific?  Where in settings do we shut this feature off?  Apparently I'm in the beta and I do not want them turned on.  Please tell me speifically where in settings>notfifications to shut them off as I have been unable to find it.  Thank you.

Thank you for following up, Anna.


Could you please confirm if you have received a notification about the Read Receipt feature? To clarify, if you are part of the test, you will receive a pop up update of the Read Receipts Beta where you will be informed that it has been turned on for the test and provides an info where to turn it off in Setting. However, if you are not part of the test but is in a room with a client or a freelancer who opt in as part of the test, then the feature will be on, but you won't have the option to switch it off.



Ivygail, I am unsure if I received a pop-up.  I don't think I did because I would have immediately opted out of it.  Below is a screenshot of a message I sent to a client on Friday showing it was read.  So, clearly, I have read receipts on and I am unable to turn them off.  Are you suggesting that because the client has them turned on I am forced to keep them on too???  I truly hope I read that wrong.


Screen Shot 2024-07-28 at 5.41.52 PM.png

I'm in the same boat. A pop-up flashed by too quickly to fully read it, only saw that read receipts are on and something about there being no option to turn them off. I never opted in, and would not. Yet, looking at my recent messages, it shows messages are "read", so apparently they are on. I assume this is because the client turned them on in our chat "room"? I looked through my settings and cannot find a reference anywhere for "read receipts".

This makes me very unhappy with Upwork for taking this decision out of my hands. If you juggle several clients at once, you probably understand where I'm coming from. I've never had a complaint from a client, but I'm afraid this feature may change that.

Hello Michelle,


We are continuously striving to enhance our services, and we truly value your feedback. I will share your report with our team for further review. 



Thank you, Ivy

Yea, I don't recall getting a pop-up.  Could be it flew by too quick to read it, but don't think so.  I really don't think I got one because I don't want clients knowing I'm anywhere near my computer, let alone reading their messages.  


The Mods need to stop going around telling people they can shut it off in settings because once a client has it turned on, we're stuck with it like Hotel California.   No wonder I couldn't find it.  Ooof.   What ARE these people thinking???????  How very intrusive!!


Guess I'll be reading my messages in Email.  What a joke.  

Thank you for getting back, Anna. 


I'd like to confirm that if you are in a room with a client who chooses to participate in the test, the feature will be active on your end and cannot be disabled. 



Thanks for getting back to me Ivygail, but in all sincerity, I'd hardly call this intrusive design a "feature". 

Ivygail, I recieved the popup notification that I was part of the beta testing group, and am having my messages showing as "Read" by clients. I cannot see where to turn it off, and I do not want to see when clients have read my messages. I can also see when certain clients read my messages.

Community Member

I can see read reciepts on multiple conversations, yet there is no such setting anywhere, as others have described.  Where is the setting?

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