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Reason for JSS decrease

My JSS was 90% last week and in that week I've got 5 star review from my client and the JSS drops to 84% which is weird. Could you tell me what is going on my JSS calculation?

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Community Manager

Hi Amanuel,


Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame



Update: This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.

Thank you!


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93% is nothing to worry about.

Open contracts don't count towards JSS.

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Thanks Jamie!

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That's nothing I went from 100 to 84 and I only have full 5 star reviews. Consider yourself lucky.

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My JSS decreased to 91 from 100 without any reason.

There wasn't any ended contract, in which i would say that feedback was the reason. 

What can be the reason ?

Good feedback probably dropped out of your calculation window.

Community Member


I want to know why my Agency profile getting low to 95%, although it was 100% before and all my reviews are good.

Please explain.



Could be your client's private feedback is wose than their public feedback. Private feedback impacts your JSS whereas public rating does not. 

Worse** (for some reason, I can't edit my comment).

Thank you for your reply, I couldn't see any bad review/reply recently.

How can I revert it back to 100%?

Community Member

Andy, please let me know the exact reason so I can overcome on it.

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Please explain the exact reason which caused to get my JSS down.
Thank you in advance.

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Job Success Score mentioned on my profile is not good despite satisfying all my clients well. They always had great experiences with me. I am not at all satisfied by the JSS on my profile. When I had contacted Upwork about this, they simply sent me a generic reply about the calculation of JSS. But, I wasn't satisfied with the answer. I can say with certainty that there is some miscalculation in the JSS. Could you please rectify the error?
I have contacted Upwork several times, but the issue is not yet fixed. I have read all those instructions mentioned, but I am sure this needs to be reviewed. Could anyone from Upwork Support please look into my profile score explicitly and fix the issue?



I just checked your profile, and when it comes to stars, there's not a single bad rating (All 5* except one which is 4.5*). So what could have happened?


Here's what - You must've received bad private feedback in at least two of your contracts (or mediocre in 4). The JSS score has nothing to do with stars, but private feedback only. This is why your JSS is low.


But, you can change it, easily in fact. You have 4 contracts in progress. If you end two of them (when they're over) and receive good (10/10) private feedback, chances are your JSS will increase significantly (90+).


So, good luck!

Thanks a lot for your reply! But, I don't think I might have received bad private feedback in any of those contracts, given the amount of satisfaction that my clients had. If it was by coincidence, only someone could have mistakenly done that, but I don't think many of my clients could have given me mediocre feedback. So, it would be really helpful if  Upwork could look into the private feedbacks again.

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Clients no more leave "not so great" private feedback "by accident" than they do public feedback. The vast majority of clients leave 5 stars by default unless the freelancer was actually absolutely dreadful, and many leave 5 stars even then, simply because they know that leaving less will result in unprofessional and inappropriate freelancers bothering them to discuss the feedback.


My bet would be the last one. It's one out of 5 and the largest, and the client knocked off a star in 3 categories (quality, availability, and cooperation). So with the Dollar weighing it looks right.

Almost invariably clients who knock off stars for quality and cooperation leave not so great private feedback.


As a result, the average feedback is 4.9 stars, and the whole "star-system" irrelevant and meaningless.


Shaista S wrote:

So, it would be really helpful if  Upwork could look into the private feedbacks again.

It wouldn't be "helpful" because private feedback can't be changed (again as a direct result of unprofessional and inappropriate freelancers asking clients to change feedback).





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I've been pretty actively working on multiple projects during the past year. I've had many active projects with no negative feedback and have couple of long term ongoing ones as well.


Couple of weeks back my JSS was 100% and from the past two weeks my JSS started to fall. Last week it fell suddenly to 96% and today when I checked it was 95%.


I am sure I've had no reason during the past year due to which my JSS would fall.


Can someone explain to me why such a thing is happening? Is there something new that I'm not aware about regarding JSS?

(P.S. I've already read the Upwork blog regarding the JSS, and I don't find any reason why my JSS would fall)



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Hello, I've been working on this Upwork for the past few months, we don't have any sort of bad reviews didn't get any sort of mishap with anyone, although our profile was on 100%. suddenly our profile rating decreased from 100% to 95% (5% decreased ) for no reason, due to that we're not getting any response from our clients, on bids as well. this thing is completely hitting our profile in a negative impact to the clients over Upwork. I don't understand what's the reason behind this. please I need a reply on this.


1. There is always a reason. (private feedback)

2. You are not seriously saying that a 95% JSS is the reason for not getting jobs? That's pretty ridiculous, and you know it. 

Edit - how can you even have a JSS when the last ended contract was more than two years ago? Very strange. You have no contract in the 24 month window.

that's quite embarrassing that a person is arguing before looking over a profile of someone. however, ma'am you better look over our profile first. We are in constant communication with our clients and none of them is dissatisfied to leave such feedback. Please tell us exactly where the issue is as we are now on 95 suddenly without any justification. all of our clients are fully satisfied. Private feedback should not matter unless they have something to say to our face or share feedback publicly. Can we see private feedback? If not then it should not really matter this is absurd as people could say anything and pretend to be nice to our face, private feedback should be for Upwork not for us, and should not even bother us or the rating. didn't expect such a response in this way.

Community Member

We are in constant communication with our clients and none of them is dissatisfied to leave such feedback. Please tell us exactly where the issue is as we are now on 95 suddenly without any justification. all of our clients are fully satisfied. Private feedback should not matter unless they have something to say to our face or share feedback publicly. Can we see private feedback? If not then it should not really matter this is absurd as people could say anything and pretend to be nice to our face, private feedback should be for Upwork not for us, and should not even bother us or the rating. 



Hi Taiseer,


I'm sorry to learn about your score drop, though I'd like to reiterate that private feedback does have an impact on the overall score, and since it's private it can't be disclosed. Please know that your JSS can change because:

- You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- You receive very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- A higher-value job is added to your score and outweighs lower-value jobs.
- Jobs you completed in the past are no longer considered because they are outside the score's time frame.

You can find more information under the "Why did my Job Success Score change?" section in this help article. To ensure fairness and avoid manipulation, we don’t share the specifics about how the Job Success Score is calculated. Thanks for your understanding.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

can you please let me know if any of the clients gave private feedback as each and every client is nice to us in private.

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Hi everyone,

Firstly, I haven't taken on any work on Upwork for a while, and have only taken on 5 jobs. I also have a contract open with ad hoc work, so don't know what effect those things are having on my exceptionally low JSS (35%!!)


As far as I am aware all feedback has been positive (5* - I had one client who gave me 4.45 which I wasn't best pleased about, but it happens).


However, I can't understand why it's so low. I'm not even being considered for the lowest paying contracts now, and my proposals are being viewed less frequently than before, so it appears that I can't even do anything about this score?


My questions are why is the score so demoralisingly low? Am I actually that bad at this because I wish my clients would have told me? And does this effectively mean my career on here is dead?

All advice would be much appreciated.



At least some of your clients must have given you bad private feedback, which is the only kind that has any effect on your JSS. I have to say it's strange to see such a low JSS without even a hint of any major dissatisfaction in the public feedback. 


After a certain period of complete inactivity on your profile (I think it's two years after you close your last contract, someone can correct me on this if I'm wrong), the JSS will disappear. If all else fails in solving this problem, that would be your last resort. As your public feedback is pretty good, clients will see nothing wrong on your profile once the JSS is gone.

Robert Y wrote:

At least some of your clients must have given you bad private feedback, which is the only kind that has any effect on your JSS. I have to say it's strange to see such a low JSS without even a hint of any major dissatisfaction in the public feedback. 


After a certain period of complete inactivity on your profile (I think it's two years after you close your last contract, someone can correct me on this if I'm wrong), the JSS will disappear. If all else fails in solving this problem, that would be your last resort. As your public feedback is pretty good, clients will see nothing wrong on your profile once the JSS is gone.

Inactivity per se does not cause the JSS to disappear. It happens when enough projects age out of the 24-month calculation window, leaving too few to support the calculation. 


With only four completed contracts, each one weighs a lot. The public feedback is more or less meaningless, it's the private fb that drives the JSS calculation. People being generally conflict-averse, you can always assume private fb may be lower than public fb. So that 4.45 is probably sitting in front of a significantly lower private review.

The most important metric is the percentage of clients who would recommend you, which you can see in My Stats and which updates on a different schedule than the JSS number (to keep FLs from sussing out which client dinged them and harassing them). 

I honestly don't know how feasible it is to climb back from such a low score. Working in your favor is that each of your next several contracts will weigh a lot, so if you can land some that are precisely targeted to your skills and really knock them out of the park, you should be able to get out of the hole. And make up your mind right now, today, that you will never, ever, ever miss another deadline. That's table stakes in freelancing.

Good luck!


Phyllis G wrote:

Working in your favor is that each of your next several contracts will weigh a lot, so if you can land some that are precisely targeted to your skills and really knock them out of the park, you should be able to get out of the hole. 

Good luck!


I wish the OP all the best, but getting any further contracts could be difficult with such a low JSS. If I were in that position and had alternative sources of work, I'd consider taking a break from Upwork and letting the JSS expire.

Cheers, both for your responses and clarity. It's a shame this has happened and I am disappointed about it. Never missed a deadline, in fact, I always overstate the time it takes to complete a task, that's always been the way.


I don't rely on Upwork for income, it is to supplement my other work so I guess that it is for me. Best of luck to everyone else.

You can still keep looking for jobs after you close your current contract. Sending proposals won't postpone the expiry date on your JSS, and you might get lucky and land some jobs that will bring your score back up. It looks like you've had some really bad luck so far.


I suggest you vet clients before you take on any new jobs and stay away from ones who continue to give and/or receive bad reviews. Anyone with an aggregate score of less than 4.5 stars is best avoided. Good luck with whatever you do.

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Can someone please check my profile? Why do I have 86% job success store when I got 5 star reviews for every job that I had? And how can I fix it and make it 100% again??

Community Member

Alda R wrote:Why do I have 86% job success store when I got 5 star reviews for every job that I had?

Stars are irrelevant. You had poor private feedback from someone.


Alda R wrote:

And how can I fix it and make it 100% again??

It won't go back to 100% until at least 6 months after the contract that dropped it ended, but you can get over 90% (which is what counts) pretty easily by getting great feedback on contracts going forward.

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Yes but noone wrote me a bad review, that's why I am shocked that my job success is 86%. I only have 5 star reviews... 

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Alda R wrote: I only have 5 star reviews... 

Clients on Upwork tend to leave 5 stars by default, even if they really didn't like working with the freelancer, The *average* star rating is 4,9... As I said above, as far as the JSS is concerned, the stars are meaningless. What couns is the private feedback.

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How can my clients leave a private feedback, I mean what are the steps so I can ask them to do that since they are still working with me and they are happy with my work.. 

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Also the feedbacks are all positive! 

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Alda R wrote:

Also the feedbacks are all positive! 

You had poor PRIVATE feedback. You can't see that.

Can someone please check my profile? Why do I have 86% job success store when I got 5 star reviews for every job that I had? And how can I fix it and make it 100% again?? 

Community Member

Great day, 

This is regarding to the issue i face right now my Job Sucess Score got from 91%  to 74%  please check it I think there is some mistake because i have not done anything wrong please i am dependant on it.


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Hi All, I want to confirm few things here if any body can share his/her feedback please share:


My JSS was 74 once and I make it 91 with my some skills and hard work. I waited 4+ months to get near to make 13/16 weeks with 90+ JSS. 

But I am back to 86 now at 12/16 weeks. I believe it is due to my one client who didn't pay in 3 months or 2 clients got cancelled due to some reasons (without paying-full refund).


Please confirm if I need to wait for another 3+ months to get back to 13/16 or it will be in a week if I make my JSS 90+ again in 2 weeks? 

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