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Reason for JSS decrease

My JSS was 90% last week and in that week I've got 5 star review from my client and the JSS drops to 84% which is weird. Could you tell me what is going on my JSS calculation?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Amanuel,


Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame



Update: This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.

Thank you!


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500 REPLIES 500
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Hello, I recently noticed that my job success rate dropped from 100% to 69%. It's very strange, since I never failed my job, I have only 5 stars from all my clients. I never even had a bad experience with clients. What should I do? I tried reaching out to Upworks customer support but haven't got any response to that.

Clients leave also private feedback. Must have something to do with that. 


But why would they rate me 5 star and write very positive description then, plus I always delivered within given timeframe. I don't understand. Is this reversable, or is my career on upwork doomed?

Have all your clients left public feedback? Is there someone (or more) who hasn't and may have left bad private feedback?

Also, there are clients, who leave positive public feedback but for a reason only they know, leave poor private feedback. I had a client who left poor public feedback, but good private feedback. She told me that... 

So there are all sorts of people, whom I don't understand.

No, your career is not doomed. But it sure takes time.

Community Member

I have completed 5 jobs so far on Upwork. All of them have 5 stars. Last week I was hired by a client, but then our timings didn't match so he ended the contract without any work or any amount paid. And didn't give me any feedback. 
My JSS has dropped from 100% to 73% which is just awful. 
Can someone explain this? 

Either the client left you bad private feedback because he was unhappy how the contract ended, or some or all clients didn't leave perfect private feedback, or a combination of both.  It's always private feedback. 

Community Member

Hello Everyone,


I was hoping to get your help as I've recently received a 5-star rating from a long-term client, but did no change to my JSS score, while the last time, I didn't receive any negative feedback, but decreased my JSS from 92 %to 87%


How does this work?

 no one cares in this platform about your JSS is a poor system they have to size your value as person, and when the system lower your rates, its more hard to get good contract with clients, for example if you complete 100 jobs with 5 stars you get a 100% succes job, but if you fail your contract #101 for any reason, automatically they lower your rates to half or less, and if you get one contract with a poor review, that review will kick and spit into your other 5 stars contracts, and make your success job rate at 75% and thats all you will need magic to get new clients. this people dont care they only care to take take money every time you get contract. i hope you this info will help you to understand this platform and his policy.  

Community Member

I have a problem that has affected me and my proposals for contracts with clients, also an evident drop in my project invitations, thanks to your success rate calculator, it cannot be possible that during all this time that I have been here in upwork the percentage has dropped to 76% on 3 different occasions, the technical service is useless because they put a robot to solve your problems by mail, am, I don't care how many times they send me the article so that I can read how they calculate the percentage, the point is that of all my 33 contracts I only have 4 incomplete due to problems with the client, which in theory is a percentage and according to the same words of those from technical support, "the feedback dont affect the calculates of percentage ". Well, it's the third time the same thing happens to me. I'm at 90%-100% and it suddenly drops to 76%, which seems disrespectful to me, because first it affects my new contracts, the clients who enter my profile see that I have there are contracts where clients do not leave feedback, invitations to new contracts disappear completely, I have spent 240 connects and not a single interview has been given to me, so just as they charge me every time I close a contract with a client for what At least they should have a decent technical service that helps freelancers to solve their problems. and not having a robot explain things to you that are not true, like we were **Edited for Community Guidelines** 5-year-olds. It is evident that I do not know if it is only with my profile but the JSS is really useless, which by the way if we are going to talk about percentages 76% 33 = 25, this means that I should have at least 7- 8 failed contracts to be able to to have that irrational percentage, which by the way is not that it falls a little or only a specific %, that is, they directly send me 76%, which I suppose is the minimum range. Now I need to solve this because they are deliberately wasting my time and money


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

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I had a job a while back wherein I missed a deadline. I also remember one unsatisfied customer. This customer rehired me and gave positive feedback thereafter. In comparison to my satisfied customers seems negligible. Anyhow, my score continues to drop despite a recent positive review for a relatively large contract. What gives?

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Hector T wrote: Anyhow, my score continues to drop despite a recent positive review for a relatively large contract. What gives?

Private feedback

Community Member

I don't know every 2 weeks my job score decrease by 10% without any reason, even that I have won good rating and also working with a long-term client. Then why did my job score decrease?


Khuram H wrote: Then why did my job score decrease?


poor private feedback.

i only 40$ work on the last client and big job score decrease as compare of the client amount

Community Member



My JSS is 100% yesterday but it is 73% today. I don't have any negative feedback. Could you explain to me why my JSS is like that?

May be your last contract private feedback was very low

Community Member

Mümin Celal P wrote: My JSS is 100% yesterday but it is 73% today. I don't have any negative feedback. Could you explain to me why my JSS is like that?

A client left very poor private feedback on one or more contracts between the 20th of March and yesterday.

Community Member

Ok, but I didn't get payment from my customer. The payment was in escrow and the contract was ended by my customer. Can customer still give feedback even if there is no payment?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Mümin,


In the case of contracts without earnings, while the parties won't be able to provide public feedback on a contract that didn't have any payments, they can still provide private feedback. If the client provides positive private feedback on a contract with no earnings, that contract will be excluded from JSS. If the client specifies in their feedback that the contract had a negative outcome, that will be counted in the score.



Hi, here is a help article giving you more info on JSS calculation


Job Success Score – Upwork Customer Service & Support | Upwork Help

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hope you are well
I completed my all jobs successfully all jobs rating is 5/5 but my job success score is 83%.

Saqib A wrote:

I completed my all jobs successfully all jobs rating is 5/5 but my job success score is 83%.

 Stars are irrelevant. Most clients always give 5 stars by default!

You'll have had poor private feedback on a couple of contracts.



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Community Member

Hi, I'm guessing this has been asked before but I just thought that my case might be different. So my Upwork rating is not 100% even though I have only 5-star feedbacks. I suppose this might be related to the active contracts that I'm not logging any new hours--I have completed the job but the client left the contract open. And what I have noticed today is that after one of such contracts has been ended today (after I explained and asked the client to end it), my rating has dropped to 92%. Can someone please explain this whole thing to me?

Community Member



my JSS was 100% and drop down to 90% after one cliet review which gave me 4.2!


I have 7 completed contracts and 6 of them are 5.00, the 7th one for the customer I mentione above.


Can you explain to me what happend? and why I loose 10% from my JSS because one client?!







Community Member

Hi Sophie A,


Thanks for your response. I have already visited this link before, but still my questions not answered.


Community Member



I left my job success score to 88% when i leave the Upwork for few months and now i came back to start working again on Upwork but now my job success score is dropped to 52%. How to recover it?

Based on a quick look at your profile, you only have a handful of contracts in the 24-month JSS calculation window now, so each one weighs a lot. A couple of them have quite low public fb and you should assume the private fb is the same or worse. Essentially, you are starting over. The good news is that for the next while, each new contract that closes with high fb will also weigh a lot. Choose contracts carefully and make sure each outcome is excellent and the client is delighted.



I've just assumed your situation in following way: 

  • JSS is calculated based on last 6th, 12th, and 24th months projects. 
  • You had some good reviews projects at the 23th, 22th, 21th ago (very closed to 24th). And you might have some bad feedback projects recently ended (even private bad feedback). 
  • So when your JSS was calculated few months ago, at that moment your bad recently projects and good older projects balanced and you got 88% JSS.
  • But after few months later, right now your good projects have just gone out the 24th period, so JSS does not count those projects anymore. On the other hand, your bad feedback projects are still countable on JSS. So your JSS has been dropped dramatically from 88% to 52%.

Does it make sense. (This is my assumption although.)

You are saying on top of your profile that you have more than 70 jobs with 5 stars. That is simply not true, you have less than that, and there are many with less than 5 stars.

That would turn me off big time if I were a client. It makes you look less than honest, and is pretty meaningless in any case when your JSS is that low. 


Community Member

At first I had 100% JSS and as I move forward with contracts successfully completed and payed, I noticed a drop upto 94% and then after few weeks it was 84%, since then I tried to locate the suspect by checking all feedbacks and none was a negative one, all contracts completed had a 5.0 rating and a positive feedback, there was no negativity, but I still don't understand the dropping of my JSS to that level, I always wanted to maintain my JSS at a level of above 95%, but unfortunately invisible or hidden actions had an impact on my JSS, I just wanted to know what went wrong, was it PRIVATE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK? or something else? The feature of allowing clients to privately complain about freelancers is not what I expected from Upwork, it can destroy the JSS without notifying the freelancer. whats more is that there is no notifications that a client has complained privately, it should atleast be something like "A client has complained privately on your....". The hiring rate depends on your JSS, so if I have a lower score I won't be winning contracts easily which is FRUSTRATING,

I actually did not know when the JSS dropped because, I was not notified plus I had a 100% JSS for weeks so, I did not worry much about it, Please fix the issues about UW and, I wanted to know which contracts affected my JSS or even lesser data of how it dropped.


I really wanted to know why my JSS dropped, someone can contact me by anyways so, I would be comfortable on what had actually happened and would be cautious to avoid it.

Hi Shamila,


We truly appreciate you reaching out to us. Allow me to explain that your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts have been added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame

Feel free to check on this help article to learn more about Job Success Score.


~ Arjay
Community Member

I see my Job success rate decreased, where can I check the failed job?

Community Member

My jss suddenly dropped to 95% with no reason on my profile but not on my stats page 

I always get 5 stars but this week I got 4.45 and I have an earlier 3.7 once is that the reason?

and how I can remove it from the jss as a top-rated?




It's almost certainly that job that closed with 4.45 feedback a few days ago. I would not use the TR perk to remove it because you won't be able to use it again for at least 3 months. Save it for a really disastrous feedback.

thank you 


  • Ahmed wrote, "on my profile but not on my stats page "

On your my stats will show 95% within tomorrow (I hope). Because sometimes it takes time to be updated. 



  • Ahmed wrote,"I always get 5 stars but this week I got 4.45 and I have an earlier 3.7 once is that the reason?"

Might be.



  • Ahmed wrote, "how I can remove it from the jss as a top-rated?"

Use your top rated perk to remove it (talk to support with that project's contract id). 


thank you

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