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Anne Mariel's avatar
Anne Mariel E Community Member

Reporting a Client

Someone hired me yesterday but it did not take effect on my account. Suddenly, when I was on my shift I have a bad experience with them. The client's assistant was the one talking to me. However, she didn't lay out to me very well the things I will be doing thus she always shouts at me like a dumb person. I feel so scared to apply to other online jobs. I don't know how will I tell them that I don't want to work for them anymore. And I'm thinking also if they can have an effect on my account, I still do not have a contract to them. It is still in "Active Proposal". Please I'm hoping for your reply.
Remi's avatar
Remi O Community Member

If it's in 'active proposal' then you haven't been hired yet.

If you didn't accept an offer, you don't have a contract and shouldn't be working.

Anne Mariel's avatar
Anne Mariel E Community Member

So, it is okay to leave them behind? Because the client's assistant is looking for me in Skype and keeps on messaging me. I don't want to answer as I'm really frightened of her.
Avery's avatar
Avery O Community Manager

Hi Anne, 

I'm sorry to learn about your experience. To add to what the Community has already shared, we highly recommend freelancers not to start working on any project unless the client sent an offer, you accepted it, it is showing as an active contract on your My Jobs page, the client's payment method is verified, and the milestone is funded (for fixed-price contracts). Working without a contract in place, or any of what I have mentioned above does not make you eligible to be Payment Protected on Upwork. 


I would highly recommend that you read up on the freelancer resources we have compiled, paying attention to the Safety First! section of the resources, and these tips for avoiding questionable jobs for more information about working safely through Upwork.

~ Avery
Virginia's avatar
Virginia F Community Member

Anne Mariel E wrote:
Someone hired me yesterday but it did not take effect on my account. Suddenly, when I was on my shift I have a bad experience with them. The client's assistant was the one talking to me. However, she didn't lay out to me very well the things I will be doing thus she always shouts at me like a dumb person. I feel so scared to apply to other online jobs. I don't know how will I tell them that I don't want to work for them anymore. And I'm thinking also if they can have an effect on my account, I still do not have a contract to them. It is still in "Active Proposal". Please I'm hoping for your reply.

You have not been hired, so you should not have been working. An "active candidacy" is in interview stage only. You don't have to tell them anything and they can't have effect on your account because there's no contract.


You could let them know you don't think the job will be a good fit ... or you can just block them and move on.  And then, before bidding on any more jobs, read all the available information about how the site works, how you'll know when you have a contract, how to get paid, etc.

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