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Reed's avatar
Reed W Community Member

** SCAM!

I just want to warn everyone out there about the**Edited for Community Guidelines** scam. They are a "client" who is having freelancers take an "assessment" test on**Edited for Community Guidelines**. They claim that the "assessment" should take less than 3 hours and upon completion, they will release the first milestone of $20. THIS IS A SCAM! 


First of all, the assessment takes a lot longer than 3 hours. I'm not sure why I ever agreed to it in the first place. But they are having freelancers sign into**Edited for Community Guidelines** with their log in credentials, perform work (which they are no doubt getting paid for), and when the freelancer completes the "assessment" and requests payment, they simply deny the request. They do this continually until the freelancer just gives up and moves on. There is no response from them other than their denying of the payment request to prevent Upwork's auto-release of funds. 


Furthermore, and perhaps more frustrating, is the fact that "Upwork Talent Specialists" are the ones working for them (**Edited for Community Guidelines** the freelancer but simply deny the requests like clockwork every Sunday. One "specialist" I should warn you all about is**Edited for community guidelines**. She was the one who reached out to me to accept the contract with**Edited for Community Guidelines** and as soon as I began the work, she ghosted me. There's no telling how many others they are scamming but it's hard to believe that they're getting away with it. And when I initiated a dispute to get paid for the project, the client never responded to the dispute and thus it was closed!!!


How is this happening and why it is allowed is beyond me. I'm just trying to do my part by warning you all of this scam. Be cautious. Be aware. And avoid**Edited for Community Guidelines**,**Edited for Community Guidelines**, and**Edited for community guidelines**at all costs!

Isabel's avatar
Isabel S Community Member
Rekha's avatar
Rekha S Community Member

They say curiousity killed the cat, mine got me scammed.


I see it now as a sophisticated method of picking brains (for free) for generative AI instead of open support to stealing others' work like **Edited for Community Guidelines** did in a recent interview.  


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Arun's avatar
Arun K Community Member

Scam or not, I've come to realize (after experiencing it, unfortunately) that it is not worth spending any brain cycles on this job. I suspect their business model is to never hire a freelancer, but just get all the inputs through so-called interviews.

Brian's avatar
Brian P Community Member

I was contacted by**Edited for Community Guidelines** AI for **Edited for Community Guidelines** AI through**Edited for Community Guidelines**, a platform my college uses. Anyway, I had the exact same issue. I worked for a week and got paid. But they only gave me a few tasks but it paid decent enough to make you think they are legit. I then worked all week last week since they gave me unlimited tasks. 80+ hours. They refused to pay and said I violated TofU, which is not true. This is all over reddit and other boards. It always happends on payday! They also will not respond to me other than a cookie-cutter response saying it is final. I was owed over $2000. This company is a scam. And I was actually working through Remotasks I guess cause that was who paid me first week. I never even talked to anyone from that company.


So this is defiently a SCAM alert. It is wage theft and I think there must be hundresds of others. Class action time.....

Elena's avatar
Elena P Community Member

I just left the project – I was hired by a third party agency, but it's the same job.  I have to say I was paid for the 3 hours test that was the main focus in the original post–it took me about 2 hours and received 40$ paid the next Tuesday. I then went on with more training (more courses popped up) and was always paid for these and also for 2 of the first actual tasks.


This said, I left the project before starting to actively invest time in it because it's complete chaos. During the first 2 weeks we received all these different automatic courses and tests without anyone on the Slack channel replying about any doubt, question, anything. I kept on receiving emails saying I hadn't completed or had failed test X which resulted as passed and done on my dashboard. I once couldn't deliver 2 tasks and lost 40 minutes of time and then I was told it was a bug. I opened tickets and was invited to ask team leaders for help, and I didn't even know what team leaders were until I was finally added to 2 more Slack channels for my language. But... the team leaders told us to open tickets for any issue!


Some of them are also very unprofessional and even aggressive/mocking when replying, they're not even trained as project managers and there's no supervision whatsoever since they operate within their own language team channel on Slack. Some exchanges I witnessed to, and one I was unfortunately directly involved into, were what I would define toxic and would be immediately reported to HR in any real job.

Regarding the actual projects, they are quite complicated but most of all, instructions kept on changing like every half a day and basically if you want to work and have your tasks reviewed with good feedback you should spend hours every day following these endless conversations on Slack (all unpaid time).


Some people said that the tracked time didn't match their actual worked time, TLs kept on replying it will be adjusted after 5 days from working (meanwhile you should keep on working for hours hoping it will finally match, and if not, you have to pray all the Gods to find someone to actually assist you).


I'm not sure it's pure premeditated scam, I talked to some people that had worked for 3-4 weels and got finally paid, but they often received unfair/bugged feedback and it appears that eventually you are not paid, or paid less in case of bad feedback, and if it's because of yet another bug, again, pray and seek assistance... For sure it's the most chaotic project I've ever been onboarded on, if you can call that confusion an onboarding, and they launched this project way before the software and the project management were actually working and tested. This is of course not a justification and I decided not to risk not being compensated for my worked time (besides the unpaid time spent because of all these 1000 issues).


I wrote everything to the project manager of my third party agency, they told me they understood I wanted to leave the project and they had no idea of what was going on. There is no way to contact anyone from the company directly, Team Leaders tell you to open a ticket on Remotasks, Remotasks tells you should ask a Team Leader, any bug is "The Client's" fault.


I advise any professional freelancer to avoid this client if you have other things to put your time and energy into and you know how a project should look like. It's sad to see other people were enthusiastic to work on this. Most of them are very young students and were asking how to pay taxes on freelancing gigs because this is their first job. Some people even organized extra sessions to discuss feedbacks and improve... voluntarily and unpaid!

Mitesh's avatar
Mitesh P Community Member

Today I received invitation from Trainig AI model Talent Store SCA*** and i accept proposal and  1 milestone placeholder with $5 . Now what can I do i can't understand pls suggest. This is my first job and I am confused what can I do..

Jeanne's avatar
Jeanne H Community Member

You don't have a profile, were you suspended?


What you need to do is to use the link to the Academy at the top of the page, and learn how to use the platform, and how to deal with clients. Do not look at jobs until you learn the rules.

Mitesh's avatar
Mitesh P Community Member

I have my own profile in upwork and I am not suspended. And I finding reviews about client and I find some scams so I wantvsimply help from community regarding my recent job. Can you guide me?

Jeanne's avatar
Jeanne H Community Member


I get this message. Do you have two profiles?


Here is what you need to do: read this post, and follow every link. You should not be doing anything until you learn and understand the rules. Research about vetting clients and jobs. It's not enough to just apply, you have to ensure the job and client are genuine.


Learn the Terms of Service and the Red Flags on scams from Wes.


Clients can post tests. Usually, they are a cheap way of getting work, but sometimes they are valid. It's up to you to decide if you want to work for pennies. No one should, no matter how desperate, because it never works out well. As you have experienced, these clients are scammers.


No freelancer can help you - you have to deal with Upwork.


Take this as a lesson learned - you could have lost a lot more than $20, and use this as an opportunity to learn from your mistakes. If you learn about best buiness practices and vetting clients, you will not make this mistake again.


You have to protect yourself, because no one will do it for you. Be safe.



Mitesh's avatar
Mitesh P Community Member

No I have only 1 profile Mitesh P and thanks for guidance.

Esraa's avatar
Esraa S Community Member

I encountered payment issues with this client(SCA**** Ai). This enterprise client did not pay me for my completed work. I sent multiple messages to the team leader on Slack to inquire about the payment, but his responses were dismissive and unhelpful. He suggested that I simply stop working if I am unhappy with the payment situation, and he repeatedly assured me that they are following up on the issue, but no progress has been made.
I then contacted Upwork Support, who acknowledged the issue and promptly intervened. They credited my account with the amount I was owed, based on the evidence of the completed work.

I caution all freelancers against working with Sc****Ai and advise you to carefully consider any projects that involve fixed-price payments without escrow protection.

Mitesh's avatar
Mitesh P Community Member

This is scam last 15 days I am asking for task but no buddy can ans in upwork chat and slack also. I request for payment but after 14 days he change payment adjustment. I can't understand what happened. He can can provide real task or not?

Mark's avatar
Mark K Community Member

Has UW removed this job?  Asking for a 'lawyer' friend.

Sanjay's avatar
Sanjay P Community Member

Ivygail's avatar
Ivygail J Moderator

Hello Sanjay,


Thanks for reaching out. We're sorry to hear you're going through this situation. This is not the experience that we'd like you to have. I see here that you have already raised a support ticket for this mattter. We suggest to continue coordinating with our assigned agent through this link.


Kaz Michael's avatar
Kaz Michael K Community Member

Yes, my research says they scam people because the "training" and "tests" are actually unpaid work they are getting from you. And they often "reject" other work and don't pay for it...but you have no way of knowing if they actually, secretly keep it.

It looks like some people may be working twice as much as they are paid for.

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