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Hi there, 


I just received one invitation for facebook ads, then I talked with him, he sent me the file, the file can't open, I asked him to send details in drect message, he only asked me for a video of my screen to show it, I didn't open it, the file is not actually normal used file, I think it's maybe a new scam.


Job title is Facebook Advertising Specialist for Wok On Fire Restaurant,  is there someone met this? 




Community Member

The last file seems to be an executable file. Normally it is not advisable to open such files. It may contain a malware / virus.

Not may but contain for sure. 🙂

0.000000001% benefit of doubt 🙂 

thanks for your replying. I will not delete their file first

Thanks for your replying.  I didn't want to open this, due to it's not usual file format we used. 

Community Member

do not run the bat file. them do the long file name is to confuse you. 

Community Member

NEVER NEVER click on files, it's a security risk to yourself and against Upwork's Terms of Service.

thank you ❤️

You are most welcome and have a great day!

Community Member

NEVER NEVER click on files, it's a security risk to yourself and against Upwork's Terms of Service.

Which part of the ToS mentioned that clicking on files is not allowed? 😓



he sent me the file, the file can't open

You don't open or can't open? If you tried opening it but it won't open, then it's in already. You need to take other measures.


There are many reports involving the taking over of your other client's facebook ad account (that have its passwords remembered on your computer) and used to buy ads.

Community Member

Hi Radia, thanks for your sharing . I didn't open it. 

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