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rajat's avatar
rajat t Community Member

Scammer client

Hello everyone check out poor scammer client.

He told me that he will hire me for 3 months and he created contract of 15 usd later he told that he need some changes so he agree to pay the remaining amount as a bonus. First month was completed on 21 October and the milestone was  approved after 14 days.

Later he strated ignoring messages and today when i asked the remaining amount he ended contact with 1 star review.

I request upwork to take strict action these type of scammers. One more thing i am not his first victim you ca check his profile he has done this to many freelancers.


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Martina's avatar
Martina P Community Member

There is nothing good that can come out of a job that requires "an old linkedIn account you don't use". Who needs that? (a scammer). 

You should have never accepted that kind of job. 

rajat's avatar
rajat t Community Member

Hi thanks for replying actually i dont have much idea about that.

I dont have much experience with clients on upwork.

Thats why i fell and scammed

Martina's avatar
Martina P Community Member

What did you think he needed a linkedIn account for when he can easily create his own in his own name?

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