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Filippos's avatar
Filippos A Community Member

Sender name in bank transfer


When i get paid by bank transfer from Upwork who is shown as sender in the transaction?
I will need this info for the invoicing in my country. 

Thanks a lot. 

Aru's avatar
Aru B Community Member

In my bank statements, it is mentioned "Upwork" and some transaction reference number along with. I think it is because I withdraw using direct transfer in the bank account. 


If you are withdrawing using another method it can obviously be different. 


You can get invoices on each transaction anyway. See this 


From Reports -> Transaction History click on the reference number and you can see an option to view invoice for that particular transaction (all contracts + Upwork fee). In those invoices, the name mentioned will be of the client (as "bill to")

Filippos's avatar
Filippos A Community Member

Hi Aru, 

Thanks a lot for your answer. 
If the sender is Upwork i can invoice only to Upwork and have some tax benefits, as i will have only one client. (as per my country regulations)

Thanks again for your answer

Jennifer's avatar
Jennifer R Community Member

Not sure where you are, but here you can find all the invoices Upwork has send on your behalf and the invoices they send to you. They should also included the tax information needed.

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