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Sending out my first proposal


I'm very new to the platform and just recently finished setting up the basics on my profile.

I am working on submitting my first proposal for a job which I am interested in. Is it advisable for me to do so? and can I get some help on how a detailed milestone for a graphic design project looks like?

Community Member

re: "I'm very new to the platform and just recently finished setting up the basics on my profile. I am working on submitting my first proposal for a job which I am interested in. Is it advisable for me to do so?"


I am not sure why you would think that you shouldn't do that.


Sending out proposals is the next step for you.

You will need to do that if you want to get hired.


Many freelancers such as myself who are experienced and have a good Upwork job history do NOT send out proposals. We earn money by working for clients who send us private invites and by working for repeat customers.


But when you're starting out, you need to send proposals. Or you won't get hired.


re: "and can I get some help on how a detailed milestone for a graphic design project looks like?"


Keep in mind that milestones are associated with fixed-price contracts. You don't need to work on fixed-price contracts right now if you don't feel ready to do so. You could work on hourly contracts, which are simpler.

Community Member

Olivia wrote:


I'm very new to the platform and just recently finished setting up the basics on my profile.

I am working on submitting my first proposal for a job which I am interested in. Is it advisable for me to do so? and can I get some help on how a detailed milestone for a graphic design project looks like?"



Before you send your proposal, please,  if you haven't already done so, read just some of the tips in this thread: https://community.upwork.com/t5/New-to-Upwork/Getting-Started-on-Upwork/m-p/264214#M2460 particularly the one about how to avoid questionable jobs. 


If your prospective client asks you to contact him or her outside Upwork before hiring you, then they would be violating Upwork's terms of service and so would you.  Do be careful how you  proceed, if you haven't already studied how this site works.  Too many new freelancers are being disappointed when applying for jobs by scammers who prey on their lack of knowledge. Don't be one of those freelancers. 


Good luck!

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