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Ghazal's avatar
Ghazal J Community Member

Service fee

Hi There,
The servise fee percent is 20 for my account. my available is more than $500. I think it should be 10 instead of  20. Let me know the reason please.

Martina's avatar
Martina P Community Member

Ghazal J wrote:

Hi There,
The servise fee percent is 20 for my account. my available is more than $500. I think it should be 10 instead of  20. Let me know the reason please.

The 10 percent apply for contracts over 500 for one single client, not your total contracts. 

Bojan's avatar
Bojan S Community Manager

Hi Ghazal,


Freelancers are charged a sliding fee based on their lifetime billings with each client (across all contracts you’ve ever had with that client company). Service fees are the same whether the contracts are hourly or fixed-price.


Once you have earned $500 with one client your fee will be reduced to 10%. To learn more about our freelancers' fees check out this guide.


Thank you.

~ Bojan
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