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Navid's avatar
Navid Z Community Member

Specialized Profile

Hi All,


How many Specialized Profiles can a Freelancer create/have at a time?


Thanks for your input.

Arjay's avatar
Arjay M Retired Team Member

Hi Uros,


Please be reminded that users are only allowed to have one main profile and having multiple accounts is a violation of Upwork's TOS. We know that you may have more than one skill to offer your prospective clients. That’s why we developed Specialized Profiles.


With a specialized profile, you can tailor your unique skills to your audience on Upwork and create variations of your profile that showcase your experience within specific categories. For example, you can separate the work you've done as a mobile game developer from your work as a translator or graphic designer.


By having a Specialized profile, your profile will contain an indicator that you have other specialized profiles, and the client will have the option to switch between those versions when viewing your profile (similar to how you switch between versions when editing your profile).


You can delete your Specialized Profile from Settings > Profile Settings. Please keep in mind, that if you only have one specialized profile, you will not see the option to delete or unpublish it. But you can always edit the information for accuracy and to reflect your current experience and skills!


~ Arjay

View solution in original post

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Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Barinedum,


You won't be able to delete your main profile but what you can do is edit it to feature what you wish to be your main skill. From there, if you'd only want to have one Specialized Profile instead of two, you can delete one of them by going to your Profile Settings

~ Luiggi
Malek's avatar
Malek A Community Member

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Malek,


Thanks for your question. You are able to delete any specialized profiles created, as long as you have at least one available. To delete, if you have more than one, go to Settings, then click “Profile Settings” on the left. Scroll down to find the title “Specialized profiles”, click the ellipses icon next to the profile you’d like to delete, and select “Delete”.


Thank you,


Malek's avatar
Malek A Community Member

Thank you! 

Moussa's avatar
Moussa F Community Member

Hello community.


I would like my specialized profile (accounting) to be highlighted instead of my all work profile (virtual assistance/customer service). Can you help me do this?


Thank you


Moussa F.

Arjay's avatar
Arjay M Retired Team Member

Hi Moussa,


We certainly understand your concern. Please note that your general profile shows all the projects you have worked on in Upwork. We designed this type of profile to show all the skills you offer to your potential clients. On the other hand, your Specialized Profile only shows the work history for the projects you choose to feature. 


That said, this is made by design, your specialized profile cannot be your default profile upon logging in. However, your profile will contain an indicator that you have other specialized profiles, and clients will have the option to switch between those versions when viewing your profile (similar to how you switch between versions when editing your profile).


Alternatively, you may want to consider editing your general profile. For more information on editing specific profile sections and tips to help make your profile stand out to clients, check out this help article.


~ Arjay
Moussa's avatar
Moussa F Community Member

Hello Arjay, and thank you for your explanation.


My main job is accounting, and other activities like customer service/virtual assistance come second. I have two main reasons for my question:


First reason: I had exchanges with a client who offered me an accounting contract at the rate of the general profile, which is lower than the rate for the accounting profile. This happened because she went to my profile and saw the rate I proposed, but she didn't know that there is a specialized profile section where the rate is different. I was able to explain to her that the rate she mentioned in the proposed contract is the rate of the general profile, not the rate I proposed in my cover letter, which was the same as the rate for my specialized profile. Since she communicated the rate of the general profile to her superiors, their budget was based on that rate. It was difficult for her to go back to her superiors and say that the rate had practically doubled from what she had communicated. However, we eventually reached a consensus, as she agreed to increase the rate from $7 to $10 instead of $15.


Second reason: This is my second contract on Upwork, both in the field of accounting. When I look at my earnings certificate, it mentions the title of the general profile, even though I haven't had any contracts in that field. My wish was for the accounting profile to be mentioned instead.


Thank you


Moussa F.


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Annie Jane's avatar
Annie Jane B Retired Team Member

Hi Moussa,


Thank you for reaching out. It seems like the first matter can be resolved by properly communicating with your client. As for the second one, the title that will appear on your Certificate of Earnings will be that of your general profile. You can change it before downloading a copy and change it back when you're done downloading the file.

~ AJ
Moussa's avatar
Moussa F Community Member

Hello Annie

Thank you for your message 

Sharon's avatar
Sharon Z Community Member

I have two Specialized Profiles:
-All work

-Other Digital Marketing

I think I did that back with the specialized profiles started, and just put a very vague title. I like everything else about the profile, so I don't want to have to recreate the entire thing, just to change the name on the left column. I have a very specific niche, and you can't see that. Can anyone help me out with this?

Arjay's avatar
Arjay M Retired Team Member

Hi Sharon,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Yes, you can edit your specialized profile title by switching to your specialized profile and hitting the pencil icon here. You can always edit the information for accuracy and to reflect your current experience and skills! Feel free to check out this help article to learn more.


~ Arjay
Joseph's avatar
Joseph E Community Member

I discovered that I can't unpublish or delete my specialized profile. There is practically no option for such in the profile settings. Is there a way around this?

Assad's avatar
Assad A Community Member

Go to your Profile Settings
Scroll down to Specialized Profiles 
Click the three dots 

You will see the options for deleting the Specialized profile
Screenshot (62).png 


Joseph's avatar
Joseph E Community Member


Thank you so much for your response sir. But I see no 4th option there on mine. There's no 'Delete' option anywhere as seen in the screenshot. I only have View, Edit and Switch Specialty. Or are you using the Plus version? 

Md Mabud Sarker's avatar
Md Mabud Sarker A Community Member


Md Mabud Sarker's avatar
Md Mabud Sarker A Community Member

i am new please help me. 

please review my profile.



Hamna's avatar
Hamna A Community Member

I have 1 specialized profile currently.. 
Now when I create a new one, it replaces the previous one
How can this be resolved ?

Adejobi's avatar
Adejobi O Community Member

You have to be switching it

Hamna's avatar
Hamna A Community Member

Yes but there are 2 profiles only even after I created a new specialized one

Maybe because I created the new specialized profile in the same category ?
Can't I have both in 2D Animation?

Joseph's avatar
Joseph E Community Member

Hi! Please, who knows how I can delete or unpublish my specialized profile?

I am having trouble locating a way to delete or unpublish it, as shown in the attached screenshot.


Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Joseph,


If you only have one Specialized Profile, you won't be able to delete it or unpublish it. I'd suggest that you edit it to accurately reflect the skills you wish to display on it. You can check this help article to learn more.

~ Luiggi
Joseph's avatar
Joseph E Community Member

Okay, thanks. 

Rakibul Hasan's avatar
Rakibul Hasan S Community Member

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Rakibul,


You should be able to add a Specialized Profile to your account by going to your Profile Settings and clicking on Add Specialized Profile. You can check this help article for more information. 

~ Luiggi
Igor's avatar
Igor L Community Member

I swear I completely abused the support chat bot with questions, clicked all over possible places in the amazing Upwork's UI—I cannot find a way to remove a specialized profile.


In profile settings (https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/settings/profile) I can only see this “Specialized profiles” section. Clicking on one shows this popover with only seemingly useful actions “View” and “Edit”:


CleanShot 2023-08-02 at 20.12.31.png

They both lead to my public profile, only difference being is the view-only mode.


CleanShot 2023-08-02 at 20.12.50.png










I want to only worry about a single specialization, have the same rate, same skills, same description when applying to client's projects. How can I do this? Can I remove this and just keep one? Does anyone know?



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