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Start month in certificate of earnings is incorrect


I tried to generate my certificate of earnings but I noticed that my start date is March 01. I believe I started around October. Also, I read that I supposed to see my join date in "Help & Support > My requests" but I can't find the My requests link.


Hi Rigor,


The Certificate of Earnings report calculates your earnings for the past one, three, six, and twelve months based on the date selected. It also includes service fees. The date ranges cannot be adjusted. The report will include your name, address, profile title, URL, and a statement explaining that you are a freelancer through our platform. I've also requested the assistance of our team. One of our agents will reach out and assist you directly via a support ticket. 

~ Joanne
Community Member


I know I replied late, since I'm quite busy these past days. Also, I didn't received any assistance. This is what I have in my certificate of earnings. I hope someone can assist and correct this and changed March and September to October as the first month when I started working in Upwork.
 Screenshot 2022-02-21 155746.png

Hi Rigor,


Our team has already reached out to you via ticket with more details about this. You can access your ticket on this link, thank you.

~ Goran

Hi Goran,

Thanks for the information. Joanne's answer doesn't address my concern.
1. Joanne said "calculates your earnings for the past one, three, six, and twelve months based on the date selected", this might be true but it's confusing that it shows "March 01 and September 01". And I think it is not possible to choose date when generating Certificate of earnings. Is it? 
2. How to explain by just looking at the certificate, why it's showing March, when I started at October of last year? 

Hi Rigor,


Since the certificate is generated for the past 12 months, the timeframes will be listed on your certificate regardless of whether you have earned any funds or not. 
The dates on the certificate of earnings can't be adjusted and this is by design. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi Goran, 

Yes, I understand that. If that is the case, even though March and September will show up in the certificate, the value should be empty because I have not earned anything in that period, isn't it?

Community Member

Rigor C wrote:

If that is the case, even though March and September will show up in the certificate, the value should be empty because I have not earned anything in that period, isn't it?

No, because it is what you earned since then. If you have earned $200 in October, $200 in December, and $200 in February, that means you earned $600 since March last year, $600 since August, and $600 since October.

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